4 сыныпқа арналған "Animals" тақырыбындағы сыныптан тыс шара

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы


educational:  to talk about animals, to introduce with new words,  to get new information about the animals, to widen pupils’   vocabulary, to wake up their feelings of love to the nature.

Developing: to develop pupil’s reading, speaking, thinking  skills, to consolidate the learned materials, to develop predicting, proposing and understanding habits, constructing and thinking, ability to appraise situation.

Brining – up: to bring up pupil’s interest, respect and love to foreign and native language

The methods of the lesson: a game, question- answer

The type of the lesson: competition

The visual aids: the active- board, pictures of animals

Inter- subject connection: geography, music

Procedure of the lesson.

I.                   Organization moment

II.                Teacher:


Good afternoon, dear guests, teachers and pupils!  Today we will show you our knowledge.  Now we will sing songs, show plays and read poems about animals.   Today we'll have a competition. Two  teams will take part in our competition. At first let’s choose captains of every groups. 1st team- Rabbits,  2nd team- Tigers. Our  lesson will be as competition, for every right answer, I’ll give you the shapes and at the end of our lesson you  must  count  the shapes.   

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