A day at school

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Grade: 8

The theme of the lesson: A day at school

The aims of the lesson:

1.Educational: discussing the school day, speaking about the differences, talking about school uniform.

2.Development: to practice language skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.

3. Upbringing:  to teach children to be attentive, kind and polite, taking responsibility, to bring up feelings of friendship.   

Methods of teaching: demonstration, interaction, exercises, practice.

The equipment of the lesson:

a) Visual aids: pictures

b) Technical means: interactive board.

Procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

 1.Beginning of the lesson.

a)     greetings

b)    talk with pupil on duty

c)     marking absentees

Greeting:  Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you.

Now, let’s begin our lesson. Who is on duty today? Who is absent from classes today? What date is it today? What is the day of a week? What is the season now? Is it winter or spring? What is the weather like today?


What do you think about your school?

Where is your school located?

What subjects do you like the best of all?

When did you start studying at primary school?

When did you enter a secondary school?

What do you think about English secondary schools?

2. Checking up of the homework:

 Ex.7 pg.125 Translate the following sentences into English

a) Ол төрт жылдық бастауыш мектепті бітірген соң, орта мектепке барды.

 After four years of primary school he went to secondary school.

b) Бастауыш және орта мектептерде он бір жыл оқиды.

Primary and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of study.

c) Оқу жылы тоғыз айға созылады.

The school year lasted 9 months.

d) Тоғыз жылдық оқу жалпыға бірдей міндетті.

Nine years of classes are compulsory in our country.

e) Англияда міндетті оқу бес жастан басталады.

In England compulsory education begins at the age of five.

Ex. 6 Answer the questions.

Do children usually go to nursery schools?

At what age is education compulsory in England and your country?

What different kinds of secondary schools are there in England and Kazakhstan?

Are there many private schools in England and Kazakhstan?

Ex. 3 pg. 124


II.  The theme of our  lesson is “A day at school”.

Step 9   A day at school.





1.Discuss the following text. Compare the day of English pupils with that of our schoolchildren. Speak about the differences.

Hi! My name is Debbie. I want to tell you something about a typical day at my school.

Come and spend a day at an English school. It is nearly 9 on a Monday morning and the boys and girls are coming to school again afterSaturday and Sunday. Some of them walk to school, somecome on their bicycles and others who live far from the school come by bus.

It is eleven o'clock: time for the mid-morning break.The boys and girls go out into the play ground to collect their milk: every boy and girl at school in England is given milk every day. When they have drunk milk, they can play until it is time to go back inside for lessons.

After break there are more lessons. Then it is one o' clock. Time for lunch! Nearly all schoolchildren in England have their lunch at school, though some who live very near to their schoo, go home. The break for lunch lasts about an hour. After lunch, there is still time to go out and play.

At two o'clock lessons start again. In this school chindren do not do lessons lide history, geography and maths – the girls learn to type and sew and to cook and the boys do metalwork and woodwork.

At three o'clock it is time for games. At English schools girls usually play hockey in winter and tennis in summer; the boys play football in winter and cricket in summer.

Lessons finish at four. The children collect the books they need to do their homework and go home. Very soon after four o'clock the school is empty, except for a few children and teachers. One or two choldren have to stay behind as a punishment. Others are staying for a club or society which has its meeting after school. The they will go home too and the school will be empty – until tomorrow.

Ex. 2. What do you think of the advantages of school uniform? And disadvantages? ( pupils answer these questions)

Do children wear a school uniform?




Most schools in England require children towear a school uniform.

Boys: long grey or black trousers (shorts may be worn in the summer), white shirt, school tie (optional in most primary schools), jumper or sweater with the school logo on. The colour is the choice ofthe schools.Black shoes.

Girls: as above.Girls may wear skirts. During the summer term girls often wear summer school dresses.

Why do children wear a uniform?

•         When we go on a school trip we all look the same and so can't get lost.

•         It stops kids worrying about what to wear each day.

•         Everyone is equal.

•         Parents don't have to shop for expensive and varied wardrobes for their children to keep up with or show-off to other children

•         Wearing a uniform instills a sense of pride and discipline in students

Why do not childrenlike to wear a uniform?

•         Uniforms deny students their right to personal identity and self-expression.

Can you think of other reasons for and against wearing a school uniform?




Ex. 3. This is what some British teenagers think about school. Do you share their opinions? ( pupils  tell about their opinions)




Ex. 4. Speak about a day at your school  (work in pairs)

Ex.6. Make up a poem

Students make a poem about these words (Sinqwein)


1.     Noun

2.     Two adjectives

3.     Three verbs

4.     The meaning of this word

5.     Synonym.

ІІІ.The Ending of the lesson:

1.     Conclusion.

2.     Home task: ex. 5 pg. 127. write a short essay about a day at your school

3.     Marking

The lesson is over!

Good –bye!






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