Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

It is an amazing fact that the USA and Britain have produced the most of Nobel Science Prize laureates - about 80 each.

These countries pay very much attention to education. In 1998 there were computers in every primary school classroom in Britain and a bit later in the USA. The countries house very large and world important libraries.  The Library of Congress (the USA) is one of the greatest collections of books, microfilms and electronically stored information. I think here lies the reason why so many important discoveries and inventions have been made by English-speaking people.

   One of the most spoken-of things is the hole in the ozone layer. It was discovered in 1985 by the British Antarctic Survey. Britain and the USA have wide programs of studying and using space.     British and American scientists have been discovering laws of physics and chemistry for a long time. John Bardeen, an American physicist, discovered the transistor effects and created a semi-conductor transistor (1948). He is also one of the father of super conductivity theory. He is the only scientist in the world who got two Nobel prizes.

    In 1833 Charles Babbage was the first person to conceive of the machine that could be programmed to calculate which later became a computer. Norbert Wiener formulated the main axioms of cybernetics. The World Wide Web was invented by British physicist Tim Berners-Lee. re. I think everyone knows  Bill Gates, who is the organiser and the head of the Microsoft company, which now keeps the leading positions in development computer software...

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