"Астана и ее достопримечательности" (5 класс)
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Презентации |
Автор: |
Байжуманова Айсулу Талгатбековна
The theme:
«I want to visit Astana»
Grade: 5
The aims:
educational: to enrich students’ vocabulary stock with wordsconcerning the theme, talk about the sightseeings of Astana
The visual aids:
»The interactive board » Video clip»Slides reflecting sightseeings of London
The Baiterek Tower has become the city's symbol and its visiting card. The height of the construction is 105 meters. It symbolizes the year of moving the capital from Almaty to Astana.
Тип материала: | Презентация Power Point (ppt) |
Размер: | 459 Kb |
Количество скачиваний: | 33 |