“Can” modal verbs Модальді етістік. (3 class)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

“Can” modal verbs Модальді етістік. (3 class)

The theme of the lesson: “Can” modal verbs (Модальді етістігі)

The aims of the lesson:

1. educational - to enlarge pupils knowledge, to consolidate the learned grammar material.

2. developing - to develop listening, speaking, writing, reading and skills

3. bringing up - to bring up love and interest to the subject

The form of the lesson: traditional

Connection of the subject: Grammar, Phonetic, Kazakh

The visual aids of the lesson: pictures, charts, crosswords, cards, computer.

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment.

a) greeting

- Good morning, children! Take your seats, please. I'm glad to see you today at the lesson. How are you?

b) classroom expressions

- Who is on duty today?

- What date is it today?

- What day of the week is it today?

- Who is absent today?

- Are you ready for the lesson?

c) checking up home task

Let's check up your home task. What was your home task?

II. Phonetic drill

Let's start our lesson with phonetic drill. Now, look at the blackboard, please. You can see a poem. I'll read this poem and listen to me.

I like to read

I like to play

I like to study every day

I like to jump

I like to run

I like to play

It's fun

I'll read this poem and repeat after me altogether. Open your notebooks and write down this poem.

III. Presentation of the new words

First of all let's work with the new words of the lesson. I'll read these new words and you'll listen to me.

read [ri:d] – оқу

swim [swim] – жүзу

run [rлn] – жүгіру

fly [flai] – ұшу

eat [i:t] – ішу

sing [siŋ] – өлең айту

dance [da:ns] – билеу

ride bike [raid ә baik] – велосипед

jump [jump] – секіру

play [plei] – ойнау

speak [spi:k] – сөйлеу

skate [skeit] – коньки тебу

ski [ski:] – шаңғы тебу

Dear children! All of you repeat after me.

IV. Explanation of the new grammar material.

Our today's new grammar theme is “Can” modal verbs (Модальді етістігі)

Адамның бір нәрсені істей алатындығын немесе сөйлей алатындығын көрсету үшін “can” етістігі қолданылады.

Болымды түрі:

e.g. I can read. Мен оқи аламын.

Болымсыз түрі:

e.g. I сan not (can‘t) read. Мен оқи алмаймын.

Сұраулы түрі:

e.g. Сanyou read? Cен оқи аласың ба?

Yes, I can. Ия No, I can not (can‘t) Жоқ

V. Practice.

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