Colours ( ағылшын тілі 1 сынып)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Қызылорда облысы, Жаңақорған ауданы, Кейден ауылы , №208 орта мектеп

Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі –Жунисова Маржан Орынбаевна

Subject: English

The theme of the lesson: Colours

The aims:

a Form:1 a

Date :10.12.2014.

) Educational aim: to teach pupils to speak about colors

To practice of pronunciation.

b) Developing aim: to developing pupils speaking multilingualism habits.

c) Cultural aim: create an interest in studying the English language.

The form of the lesson: combined

The type ofthe lessons: critical thinking

Visual aids: interactive board,pictures ofcolors, a ball, book, copy-book.Connection with other subjects: art, colors of nature.

Teaching method:answer, explanation, group question- work, individual work.

The plan of the lesson

I.Organization moment

Greeting : good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning to you!2 min

Good morning!

Good morning!

We are glad to see you!

II.Checking-up home task: the theme of last lesson was imperative mood!

Work with group:

Sit down! Stand up! Take your book! Open your book! Close your copybook!

Look at a board!

To learn by heart the words of last lesson: the game with ball.8 min

Teacher throw the ball to pupil withquestion or words.

Pupil must answer that question or word .

III.Main part

Explanation the new lesson.

1.New words.

3 min


Work with crow: check pronunciation of pupils.

2 min

3.Listen and sing:

3 min


Verb to be: It is…..

What colour is it?

Work with book: exercise 3.Answer the question.

Exercise 4. Listen and learn

Pair work: what colour is your book?10 min

It is blue.

What colour is your bag?

It’s black or red.

Take a short rest:

yellow frog jump2 min

Green frog jump

Blue frog jump

Black fog jump

Work with copy-book: exercise 1.Colour: 1-red; 2-blue; 3-yellow; 4- green10 min

Exercise 2. Listen and circle the right picture.

Let’s sing!I see green ….

2 min

IV. Conclusion of the lesson: repeat new words.

V.Giving home task: to learn by heart new words.

Exercise 3. Colour the pictures.

VI. The end of the lesson: Good bye pupils!

See you!

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