Direct and reported speech.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Directand reported speech.

  Данную работу можно применять во время объяснения,  тренировки, закрепления,  проецируя  на  экран. I и IIIпункты можно распечатать   и предложить   учащимся для самостоятельной работы, если нет проектора и экрана.

  I. Перевод утвердительных предложений в косвенную:

1.      Mark says,' 'I don't care about fashion.''

2.      Mark says,'' I can't stand shopping.''

3.       Emily says to Mark,’’You really need some new clothes.''

4.      Mark says to them,'' My jeans and sweaters are suitable for travelling.''

5.      Emily says to Mark, ''Your clothes are a little out of fashion.''

6.      Misha says, '' Clothes must show my individuality.''

7.      Rob says to her friends,''I always wear   designer clothes.''

8.      Emily says,''Most of my clothes come from discount stores that sell designer clothes, so they don't cost that much.''

9.      Emily says,'' I don’t like to stand out.''

10.  Misha says,'' I like to look round in the shops and find something original.''

11.  Mark says,’’ I prefer clothes that   I feel comfortable in.''

12.  Mark   says, ‘I like casual clothes.''

II.Перевод вопросительных предложений в косвенную:

1.  В специальных вопросах в косвенной речи  после  вопросительного слова   следует  прямой порядок  слов:

  Ann says to Dan, «Where are they?"

    Ann asks Dan where they are.

 2.  Общий вопрос  вводится   в косвенной речи   союзами Ifи  whether

 She says to her friend Liz, «Did you meet John yesterday?"

She asks her friend Liz   if she met John.

The passenger says to the security,"Do you speak English?"

The passenger asks the security if   he speaks   English.

Did meet-----met

Did help-----helped

do     speak----speaks

does    help---helps

Mr Porter says to Mr Ashton,"Did you spend your weekend in town or in the country?"

Mr Porter asks   Mr Ashton   if   he spent   his weekend

in town or in the country.

Упражнения для тренировки:      StarkovA.P.,        p.110 ex .17,   p.112 ex.18b, ex.24 p.115.

III. Перевод просьб и приказаний из прямой речи в косвенную:

1.      Mike   says to his little sister,"Kate, give me my book back.''

2.       Mother says to her son, ''Johnny, don't open that box.''

3.      Betty says to her mother, ''Mum, buy me an ice-cream, please.''

4.      Bob says to his friend, ''Dick, don't open the window, please.''

5.       Mr Todd says to his wife, ‘‘Please don’t be late.''

6.       Father (to his son),''Pass me the sugar, please.''

7.       Richard (to his younger brother),''Please don’t leave the door open.''

8.       Tom (to a small boy),"Don't play in the street.''

9.       Policeman (to a man), ''Show me your documents!''

10.  Mother (to her son),''Don't forget to buy a bottle of milk.''

11.  Father (to his daughter),''Post this letter in a letterbox on your way to school.''

12.   Old woman (   to a girl),''Please tell me how to get to the hospital.''

13.  Teacher (   to the children),''Stop talking!''

14.  Boy ( to his mother ),''Buy that CD for me, please''

15.  Girl   (to her friend) ," Will you help me with exercise ?''

16.  Mrs.   Robert   says, ''Look after your sister, Betty.''

17.  The parents say to their little daughter, ''Don't cross the street when the light o his red.''

18.  The teacher says,   ''Please hand in your exercise –books.''

19.   The boy   says to his friend, "Come to see me on Saturday, will you?''

20.  The mother says to her son, ‘‘Write down a list of the things you will have to buy.''

21.  The teacher says ,'' Go on reading , Ann.''

22.  Jane says to her sister, «Open the window and clean the room, please.'

23.  The parents   say, ''Don't open the door to anyone, Alec.''






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