English grammar tests 1

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

1.       What is the English for təqaüd?

a)      Schooling

b)      Scholar

c)       Scholarship

d)      Salaries

e)      Sailor

2.       How is one likely to feel on learning that the danger is averted?

a)      He is anxious

b)      He relieves

c)       He doubts

d)      He screams

e)      He suspects

3.       Which word can be used instead of the underlined word in the sentence?

You are getting confused.

a)      Missed

b)      Messed

c)       Mixed

d)      Met

e)      Melt

4.       Which one doesn’t mean kino çəkmək?

a)      To make a film

b)      To dub a film

c)       To shoot a film

d)      To produce a film

e)      To do film

5.       What is the English for ianə vermək, pul qoymaq?

a)      To pay

b)      To contribute

c)       To co-operate

d)      To contrast

e)      To dept

6.       What do you call the outer skin of fruit and vegetables?

a)      Scrape

b)      Roam

c)       Crack

d)      Seed

e)      Peel

7.       What is the synonym of firm?

a)      Steady

b)      Mess

c)       Well-bred

d)      Suspicious

e)      Friendly

8.       What is the synonym of conscious?

a)      Unaware

b)      Unconscious

c)       Self-conscious

d)      Aware

e)      Consequent

9.       What do we call a person who feels at ease in any company and associates with others in society?

a)      A shy person

b)      Decent

c)       Mixer

d)      Dreamer

e)      Sensitive

10.   Which of these words mean bədii film?

a)      Documentary film

b)      Puppet film

c)       Dubbed film

d)      Feature film

e)      Scientific film

11.   What do you say if a school-leaver has successfully passed his institute entrance exams?

a)      He fails

b)      He keeps the class

c)       He is admitted

d)      He has to repeat the year

e)      He falls behind

12.   Which stages of education are compulsory in England and Wales?

a)      Nursery and primary education

b)      Secondary and high education

c)       Primary and higher education

d)      Primary and secondary education

e)      High and higher education

13.   What exams are taken at the age of 18 in England?

a)      The eleven plus examinations

b)      “A” level examinations

c)       There is not any exams at 18

d)      Local exams

e)      GCSE exams

14.   Translate the sentence into English:

O “yox” u cavab kimi qəbul etməyəcək.

a)      He will not accept the answer as no

b)      He won’t take ‘no’ for an answer

c)       He never accepts any answer

d)      He won’t answer ‘no’

e)      He will never say you ‘no’

15.   What is the English for yetkinləşmək?

a)      To bring up

b)      To gain independence

c)       To be ill-bred

d)      To encourage

e)      To be mature

16.   What is another way of saying that the person is pale?

a)      A person is coloring

b)      A person is colorist

c)       A person is colorful

d)      A person is colorful

e)      A person is in color

17.   What does an “X” film mean?

a)      A film for children

b)      Animated film

c)       A film which may be seen by adults only

d)      Black and white film

e)      Still film

18.   What is the synonym of to demand?

a)      Refer

b)      Display

c)       Require

d)      Admit

e)      Deny

19.   Translate into English:

Sən məni nə hesab edirsən?

a)      What do you take me for?

b)      What do you think of me?

c)       What is your opinion about me?

d)      What do you consider to be?

e)      What kind of person am I?

20.   What do you call the sense peculiar to the tongur?

a)      Mix

b)      Language

c)       Gossip

d)      Hunger

e)      Taste

21.   What do you say of a room which is in a state of disorder?

a)      The room is in a mess

b)      The room is clean

c)       The room is vacant

d)      The room is tidy

e)      The room is bare

22.   What do we call a person who has impractical or romantic ideas or plans?

a)      Dreamer

b)      Mixer

c)       Firm

d)      Constant

e)      Permanent

23.   What will you do with the ingredients to prepare a salad?

a)      I should taste them at first

b)      I should mix them

c)       I should leave them

d)      I should go shopping again

e)      I should throw them away

24.   Choose the incorrect sentence according to speech patterns:

a)      The grapes taste sour

b)      How sweet the music sounds!

c)       The child felt badly all night

d)      It smells good, doesn’t it?

e)      How bad the day was!

25.   Choose another way of saying to fail to keep a promise:

a)      To keep one’s word

b)      To break the rule

c)       To violet the discipline

d)      To go back on one’s word


e)      To be lucky

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