Enjoy English (Английский с удовольствием)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


Цель урока: повторить и закрепить знания по теме.

Задачи урока: 1. Образовательная: расширить словарный запас учащихся по теме «Shopping».

2. Развивающие: развивать навыки диалогической речи, правильность произношения английских звуков и слов.

3. Воспитательные: воспитывать активность, выразительность, артистичность, воспитывать уважительное отношение к работникам торговой сферы.

4. Практические: фонетическая зарядка, повторение лексики, чтение текста, выполнение упражнений, игра.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, экран.

Ход урока:

1)   Организационный момент:

Good morning, boys and girls!

Who is on duty today?

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the weather like today?


2)   Let`s start with phonetic exercises. Repeat after me:

[ai]                    [ju:]                           [i:]                     [ei]

why                   pupil                       clean                 away

buy                    beautiful               feed                   play

night                 music                     sea                      raincoat

bright               suit                         please                trainers


3)   Look at this screen. It is the theme of our lesson.


Today we`ll revise all the worlds and expressions on this topic, we`ll do a lot of exercises, we`ll read the text, we`ll act out the dialogue.






4)   Активизация изученного материала.

Do you remember the worlds of clothes? Repeat after me.

Gloves            Dress                Raincoat                     Trainers

Blouse              Jacket               Scarf                            Trousers

Boots                Mittens            Shoes                           T-shirt

Coat                Jeans                    Shirt


5)   -Let`s revise winter clothes.

-Let`s revise spring and autumn clothes.

-Let`s revise summer clothes.

-What clothes do we wear for sport, for rest, for office-work.

-Look at the next slide and find the words of clothes.


6)   Children, say to each other something nice about the clothes of your friend, for example.

Indira, I like your skirt

Denis, I like your shirt . ит.д

7)   Boys and girls where can we buy clothes?

-In the shop.

-Yes, you are right, in the shop.

-Let`s revise how we can do it. Read the phrases to make the conversation.

-Excuse me, can you show me the trousers?

-Yes, of course.

-How much are they?

-They are 20 pounds,

-Here you are.

-Thank you.

And read this dialogue, please, Dima and Oleg.


8)   And now  we will do the next task.

-Restore the dialogue.

-Act out the dialogue.

9)   -Let`s have a rest.(физкультминутка)

10)    –And now the boys act out this text, please.

Kanabek is the author.

Аlexey  is Father Elephant.

Dima is Mr. Tiger.

Alimbek  is Baby  Elephant.


-Thank you. Well done.

11)    -Open your textbooks  on page … ex…,please

Look at this picture and find four differences of clothes, please.

12)    -And now let`s go to the food  shop. What food can you name?

Look at the screen and name the food.

13)     -Match the words.

A glass of milk.

A loaf of bread.

A kilo of sweets.

A bar of chocolate.

A cup of tea.

A jar of honey.

A slice of meat.

A piece of cake.

14)     -Translate into English ( ex… p…)

1.     Чашка чая

2.     Стакан молока

3.     Коробка  конфет

4.     Бутылка сока

5.     Кусочек торта

15)    -It`s time to finish the lesson.

First you express your opinions about this lesson, please. Do you like our lesson? What we have done on the lesson?

-уч-ся высказывают свое мнение.


Подведение итогов урока.


-Final marks for the lesson. I thank everybody . It was really very good. You were very active. The lesson is over. Goodbye.


Учебно-методический комплекс-«Enjoy  English», учебник для 4 класса общеобразовательных учреждений, М.З.Биболетова, изд. «Титул».



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Просмотров: 108

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