“Environmental Problems in the USA”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

“Environmental Problems in the USA” 


-         To develop pupil’s  speaking skills through interactive methods (group work);

-         To broaden pupil’s knowledge of the topicEnvironment, Ecology;

-         Use vocabulary on the topic;

-         To develop and broaden pupil’s outlook;

-         To practice pupil’s writing skills.


-         Handouts with tasks;

-         Computer.



I.                   GREETINGS

-                     Teacher: Hello, dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you in a good mood! Everybody looks wonderful today. Are you ready to work?

-         Pl.:…

-         Teacher: Let’s start. Don’t forget that I’m going to evaluate your work during the lesson. At the end we’ll sum up all your results. Work as hard as you can. Today we are continuing to speak about Environmental Problems in the USA.

-         ”The tree of expectations”

-         Teacher:  Have you noticed the apples on you desks? These apples are from the tree of expectations. Take them and write what you expect to do during the lesson. What would you like to do?


-         Pl.:…

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