
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
I.                   Приветствие -          Good morning. Sit down, please. Sorry, my friend’s calling. -          Hi! What’s up? Really? Mh, yeah. You’re kidding me… And what did he say? It can’t be true. Ok, and what did she do? Amazing! Sorry, I have to work. Bye. See you later. II.                Речевая разминка - Oh, no! The battery is low. My phone is discharged. I can’t live without it. Can you tell me what date is it today? -… - And what day of the week is it today? -… - Thank you very much. - Guess please what’s the topic of our lesson today? What are we going to talk about? -… - You are quite right. The topic of our lesson today is gadgets. (slide 1) During this lesson we’ll try to decide can they destroy our life or can they make our life easier. - But first of all let’s remember the definition of the word gadget. Who knows? -… - You’re right. Do you know the other meaning of this word? Look at the active board. Gadget is… (slide 2) -Do you know the word ingenuity [indgi’njueti]? What’s the Russian equivalent for this word? - изобретательность, находчивость, оригинальное изобретение) - And now let’s write down the definition of the word gadget. Please open your exercise books. (slide 3) Write down the date. Today is the February, 24th, write down the topic of our lesson, write down the definition of the word gadget. III. Совершенствование навыков чтения и письма. -          Ready? Very good. Now please put aside your exercise books. Let’s remember names of some gadgets.   Look at the active board. Your task will be to match the picture and the word. (slide 4) Let it be the chain work. One by one. Please come to the active board, take the marker and write down the name of the gadget, pronounce it. -          What is this? -          … -          Good fellows. We have just remembered kinds of gadgets. Now let’s remember what for do we use them? Look at the board please. (slide 5,6) Read sentences, choose one of three variants, write the correct answer into the cloud. -          Who wants to be the first? -          … -          Yes, please. Come to the board. Read the whole sentence with the correct answer. IV.  Физминутка. I think you’re a little bit tired. Let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. (slide 7) Hands up! Clap, clap. Hands on the hips! (пояс) Step, step! Bend your left, (наклон) Bend your right, Turn yourself around. Hands up! Hands down! Hands at sides and sit down! Put your hands down! Shake your head! Look up! Look down! Look left! Look right! Look at your nose! Look at your neighbor! Smile! -          Excellent. Sit down, please. V. Совершенствование навыков аудирования. (slide 8) Nowadays we can’t do without computers, mobile phones, fax machines, digital cameras, microwave ovens, air conditioners etc. As for me, I can’t live without mobile phone,  because I can be reachable everywhere and I can never miss something important. If I need some help, I just call my friends. If I have a meeting and I’m late, I can send an SMS with my excuses. It is very fast and convenient. I’m fond of taking photos and sending them to my friends. The only problem is that I spend too much money on my mobile phone. Could you live without it? Why? - Which invention is the most important for you? - How have the new devises changed your life?                                                                                             -  But every medal has two sides. I mean the disadvantages of new devises.                                                  Now I want you to watch a video, after that get ready for the discussion about pros and cons of gadgets. (slide 9) -          Please open your exercise books. Let’s write down the advantages and disadvantages of gadgets. Remember what have you seen on the video and also tell me your thoughts. Help to communicate Save time Easier life Less mistakes Equal many products in one (save space)   Health problems Problems with communication People become more lazy Don’t feel the dire need to step outside of their home Waste of time Life in a virtual reality Get distracted Become antisocial VI. Совершенствование навыков устной речи. -          Now I see that you’re interested in modern technologies. There are strong arguments both for and against the use of gadgets. The last task for this lesson will be to make dialogues and record them to the i-pods. Here are cards with situations you have to act out in your dialogues. Listen to me and look at me very attentively. ( slide 10) To record your dialogues you should: 1.      Press the square button 2.      Slide the screen 3.      Push the button “rec” 4.      Speak 5.      When you finish – press the button “stop” 6.      Return your i-pod to the teacher -          You have only 8 minutes to record your dialogues. VII. Подведение итогов - The times up. Give me your i-pods please. - Thank you for your cooperation, it was nice to work with you. You were active, clever and friendly. Your answers were great. Do you like our lesson? Why? What did you like best? What was difficult during the lesson? -Now let’s write down your home task. (slide 11) - After the lesson I’ll listen to your dialogues and only after that I’ll give you marks for our lesson. Do you agree? - Ok. The lesson is over. Good bye. (slide 12)
Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (ppt)
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