Грамматический тест по английскому "Past tenses" (10 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

6 вараинтов. 

Variant 1.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past forms.


I.              Last year, Tom and Fiona 1) ...decided... (decide) to buy a house. They 2) ……….. (save up) for ages, and by the end of May they 3) ……… (put by) enough for the deposit on a house. They 4) …….. (live) in a tiny flat at the time and Fiona 5) ………. (insist) that she 6) ……… (want) a house with a big garden. They 7) …….. (search) for only a few days when they found exactly they 8) ……….(look for) - a two-bed roomed house in nearly an acre of garden. Unfortunately the owner 9) ……… (ask) much more than they 10)……… (be) willing to pay, and when they 11)……… (look) more closely at the interior, they 12)…….. (see) that whoever 13) ……….. (live) there before, 14)……..(make) an absolute mess of the walls and floors. Still, Fiona 15) ……….(like) the garden and the location so much that she 16)……… (manage) to convince Tom that, despite the price, it 17)…….. (be) the perfect house for them.

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