Having friends 7 grade

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Class  7                                                                        Date

Title of the lesson: Having friends

Aims of the lesson: to talk about friends

Objectives of the lesson: 1) to consolidate language and speech material  

                                                   on the theme “Friends”

                                           2) to practice describing friends

                                           3) to develop friendly attitude towards English 

Materials: CD, cards       

1. Org. moment     

2. Warm up

     3. Check up the home work: Ex. 19 p.19

     4. Presentation: Having friends

     5. Practice:  Ex. 1-19 p. 24 (S/B) 

         A. Answer the questions:

         Do you have a friend?

         What is a friend?

•                     A friend is someone who always gives you help when you need it.

•                     A friend is someone who understands you.

•                      A friend is someone you can trust you.

•                      A friend is someone you can rely on.

•                      A friend is someone who cares for you.

•                      A friend is someone you like.

•                      A friend is someone you love.

•                      A friend is someone you can talk.

            B. Match the Russian word with the English.

            a) полагаться                               1) trust

            b) делиться, разделять               2) relyon

            c) любить                                    3) share with

            d) доверять(ся)                           4) care for


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