
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы
 №2 Theme: How are you? Aids: 1. Оқушыларды How are you? Сұрағымен және I'm … жауабымен таныстыру.2. Диалогтік сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту.3. Отанды сүюге, тілді құрметтеуге тәрбиелеу. Visual aids: Teddy bear, CD with sings and chants, English book, pictures, magasines, colour pen, pencls and ext.Type of the lesson: new lessonMethods of the lesson: visual, group work, orallyNew words: great, happy, fine, sadPeriod of the lessonІ.Organization momentWarm – up Hello class (children)!Sit down, please!Today's our new lesson theme How are you? Ted will help us to learn how to say our states!Let's greetings with Teddy Bear! -Hello! What's your name? -Hello! My name is Ted.P1- Hello!P2 – Hello!P1- What's your name?P2- My name is...! What's your name?P1- My name is...! Introduction new words. How are you?         Fine Sad Great HappyHow are you? - I'm …. (fine, sad, great, happy).Open your books at page 6.Ex1,p6. (CD №4) – Listen, point and repeat. I'm great I'm happy I'm fine I'm sad Ex2,p6. Act out. T, P1,P2...P1: How are you?P2: I'm... How are you? P1: I'm... Ex3,p7. Game!CLOSE OPEN STAND UP SIT DOWN LISTEN LOOKTeacher: Stand up! Close, open, stand up, sit down, listen, lookClose, open, stand up, sit down, listen, look II.Consolidation of the new materialEx4, p8. - (CD №4) – Listen and match (with pencils). I'm great I'm happy I'm fine I'm sadEx 5, p 9. - Listen and sing.Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm great, great, great!Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm Happy, Happy, Happy!Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm Ok,Ok,Ok!Hello! Hello!How are you?I'm sad,sad,sad! Classroom English:Well done! Good! Great! Listen, Repeat, Point, Say, Good for you... III.Concluding stage. Good bye!
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