Игра-конкурс по грамматике английского языка для обучаюшихся 7-8 класса"Кто умнее"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Данная игра предназначена для обучающихся 7-8 классов и нацелена на обобщение знаний по разделу "грамматика".

В форме игры дети повторяют и проверяют знания по таким аспектам грамматики, как предлоги,артикли, фразовые глаголы, видо-временные формы глагола.

Игра проводится в несколько туров.

I.Making sentences.(Put the words in the right order to make a sentence)

II. Pronouns  Choose the right pronoun to complete the sentences)

III. Joining words.(Choose the right joining word to fill n the gap)



IV. Confusing words Make and  Do. Similar meaning but difference in usage. Test your knowledge of do or make usage.


Supper, homework, a deal, the bed, journey,  friends, a profit, the garden, the dishes, business, amends, a mess, a good job, an apartment, a favour, the shopping, gymnastics, appointment ,a phone call, a noise,  crossword, a grammar game.

V. Articles.



Fill in the gaps with  A/AN/THE/ZERO article.

VI. Use the verb in the right  tense form.

VII. Preposition.

T: We have only 2 participants left. Our aim today is to find out the cleverest one.

We suggest you one more task.

Draw geometrical figures and necessary letters and  numbers on a sheet of paper.

Draw a ring in the top left hand corner of the page.

Draw a letter "H” under the ring.

Draw a letter "I” above the ring.

Draw a letter "E” inside the ring.

Draw number "7” to the right of the ring.

Draw a rectangle (rektngэl) in the top right hand corner of the page.

Draw a letter "I” under the rectangle.

Draw number "9” above the rectangle

Draw number “8” to the left of the rectangle.

Draw a letter "F” to the right of the rectangle.

Draw a letter "B” inside the rectangle.

Draw a triangle (traiэngl) in the middle of the page.

Draw a letter "A” in the middle of the triangle.

Draw number "6” in the upper corner of the triangle.

Draw number "4” in the left corner of the triangle.

Draw number "5” in the right corner of the triangle.

Draw a square in the bottom left corner of the page.

Draw a letter "C” in the middle of the square.

Draw a letter "G” to the left of the square.

Draw number "2” in the upper right corner of the square.

Draw number "4” in the bottom left corner of the square.

Draw an octagon ['oktэgэn] in the bottom right corner of the page.

Draw a letter "J” above  the octagon.

Draw a letter "D” inside the octagon.


Draw number  "10” to the left of the octagon.




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Размер: 71.32 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 13
Просмотров: 93

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