
Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

В презентаций есть информация о Канаде. Подробное расположение итд.Политическое правления и какое отношение имеет Великобритания. А также здесь описывается большие города Канады. Форма правления страны.

¨Deputy P.M. is strictly an honorary title conferred at the discertion of the P.M. on a member of the Cabinet. ¨ ¨The title originates with P.M.Trudeau who 1st coined it when he designated the Hon. ¨From the Hon Erik Nielsen’s designation as Deputy P.M., current practice holds that this title be assigned by “instrument of advice”.

An instrument of advice

Is essentially a private letter addressed to the Crown or its duly appointed representative, the Governor General, by the P.M. directly Instruments of advice are usually used when the P.M. wishes to inform or solicit the Crown in matters related to the Royal Prerogative.

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