Конспект урока A Job for Life

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Тема: A Job for Life.

Цель урока: систематизация умений и навыков на основе монологических и диалогических высказываний по теме в форме дискуссии, деловой игры.

Развивающий аспект: развитие воображения, умения высказывать свою точку зрения, личное отношение к поставленной проблеме; умения аргументировать свое высказывание, определить и сформулировать собственные пути решения проблемы.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание толерантного отношения учащихся друг к другу, способности к сотрудничеству и умению общаться.

Пособия: диаграммы, таблицы, ноутбук карточки.



I. Организационный момент.

1.     Приветствие. Сообщение целей и задач урока.

Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you? I’m glad to see you. Can you tell what we’re going to talk about?...Yes, we’ll talk about professions. You will do some lexical exercises to improve your speech. At the end you will chose different words to write a composition “My future profession”.

2.     Фонетическая зарядка. На доске –стихотворение “Iwanttobe”. Учащиеся должны прослушать, перевести и затем рассказать стихотворение.

Look at the blackboard. You can see a poem “I want to be”. Listen, translate and tell the poem. Pay attention some words are changed into pictures.

I want to be

Some people often say to me:

“Have you decided what you want to be?”

I usually answer, “I don’t Khow,”

But it is really so.

I want to win an Olympic race,

I want to see the Earth from space,

I want to travel to Katmandu

I want to be rich and famous, too.

I want to be on Hollywood’s screen,

I want to invent a new machine,

I want to be very clever and wise,

I want to win the Nobel prize,

But most of all, I want to be

Healthy and strong, and nice.


II. Основная часть урока.

1.     Активизация использования лексики.

Учитель: First of all, I’d like to remind you of the difference between the words: profession, job, occupation and trade.

- What is profession?

- What is occupation?

- What is job?

- What is trade?

     2. Игра «Угадайпрофессию».

Учитель: Now it’s time for a guessing-game “What profession is it? I’ll describe you a profession and you will give me the word.

1.     Someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business(accountant)

2.     Someone who makes walls with bricks(builder)

3.     Someone who designs clothes(fashion designer)

4.     Someone who writes computer programs(programer)

5.     Someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop(cashier)

6.     Someone who repairs cars(car mechanics)

7.     Someone whose job is to design buildings(architect)

8.     Someone whose job is to manage a company(manager)

9.     Someone who studies or works in physics(physicist)

10.                        A person whose job is to treat sick animals(vet)

11.                        A person who checks in and out books and gives advice on what to read(librarian)

12.                        A person who gets coal from under the ground(miner)

13.                        A person who loads and unloads ships in a port(docker)

3.     Понимание разницы слов “profession” и “trade”

Учитель: And now divide these words into trade and profession.

4.     Работа в парах.

Учитель: Now work in pairs. Who would you contact or call in the situations given below? Match the situations in the left column with the name of the job or professions in the right column.

A filling has come out of your teeth

A surgeon

You need to have your hair cut

A lawyer

You need legal advice

A dentist

Your house is on fire

A mechanic

Your granny’s knee needs an operation

A fireman

In the shop you want advice on what sort of coffee to buy

A psychologist

All the lights in your house have gone out

A barber/hairdresser

Your neighbour’s flat has been burgled

A shop assistant

You don’t get on well with your parents

An accountant

Your father needs somebody to help his film with money problems

A policeman

Your car doesn’t start

An electrician


5.     Игра “Горячий стул”.

Учитель: What should we take into consideration while choosing a profession? Is character important? I think, yes. We’ll play a psychological game which is called “a hot chair”. The game is simple. One of you will sit down on the chair, the others will speak honestly about his/her traits of character. Use these phrases. Then our psychologist (name) will give her comments.

I think you are

In my opinion you are

I am sorry to say, but you are…you should be more

You are…but sometimes you are

(После того, как учащиеся высказались по поводу характера своего одноклассника, ученик, выступающий в роли психолога, дает совет о том, какую профессию следует выбрать учащемуся).

Psychologist: I would advise you become a … because you are…

6.     Просмотр и анализ видео-интервью.

Учитель: Now, friends, let’s come over to more serious things. You know, that choosing a profession is a topical problem for our school-leavers. Our journalist(name) interviewed some students of the 11-th form about their plans for the future. We’ll ask (name) to tell us about the interview.

            (Учащиеся смотрят видеозапись, учащийся-журналист комментирует видео интервью)

Journalist: Now I’m giving the floor to our psychologist (name), who will give a detailed analysis of the interview and the survey of the poll held among the school-leavers.

           (Учащийся-психолог анализирует результаты опроса старшеклассников)

Учитель: Thank you very much. You are really an excellent journalist and a brilliant psychologist.

7.     Обсуждение проблемных вопросов.

Учитель: Well, friends, I see that choosing a profession is very important to you. You know there are highly-paid and low-paid, challenging and boring jobs. Now I’d like you to answer the question: Which is more important – a high salary or satisfaction? My job, for example, is not highly-paid, but it is extremely interesting. What’s your opinion of the problem? What profession will you never choose?



(Во время дискуссии учащиеся высказывают свое мнение по данной проблеме, в случае необходимости корректно перебивают друг друга, продолжают беседу).


- Sorry for interrupting

- I am of a different opinion

- I don’t think so

- I fully agree with you

- To a certain extent you are right, but…etc.

III. Заключительная часть.

1.     Учитель: I suppose you’ve made up your mind as to the future proffesion. Will you speak about it?

(Монологические высказывания учащихся об их планах на будущее.)

2.     Заключительное слово учителя.


Your homework is to write a composition “My future profession”. Pay attention: here you can find mare information about different professions and trades. Thanks a lot of your work at the lesson. I enjoyed it.

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