Конспект урока и презентация к уроку "Welcome to the Capital of Great Britain"
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Конспекты |
Автор: |
Романова Ольга Николаевна
Цель: — познакомить учащихся со страной изучаемого языка;
- совершенствование умения и навыков практического владения английским языком;
- познакомить учащихся с лексикой по теме: «Лондон»;
- активировать новые лексические единицы в предложениях.
способствовать усвоению новых лексических единиц;
научить понимать на слух основное содержание текста, построенного на знакомом языковом материале;
активировать в речи использование лексических единиц по теме: «Лондон»;
формирование навыка монологической речи;
развивать навыки работы с упражнениями учебника;
развивать умения в чтении: учить восстанавливать текст, вставляя пропущенные слова;
развивать мышление, внимание, языковую догадку, речь, память;
работать с книгой.
добиться сознательного усвоения знаний;
воспитать любовь к стране изучаемого языка, к ее традициям.
Оборудование: доска, мел, учебник, рабочая тетрадь, раздаточный материал, компьютер, проектор, карточки, презентация Power Point.
Тип урока: Ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме: «Лондон», а также ее активизация в речи.
Ход урока:
T: Good morning boys and girls!
P: Good morning, good morning
Good morning to you
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you!
T: I am glad to see you too. How are you?
P: I am fine thank you…
T: Sit down, please! Let`s start our lesson. …, what is the date today?
P: Today is the 17th of December.
T: What day is it today,…?
P: Today is Thursday.
T: What is the weather like today…?
P: Today is cold, it`s windy, it`s snowy.
T: Do you like this weather…?
P: I don`t like this weather.
T: Why? What weather do you like?
P: I like sunny and hot weather.
T: OK, very good.
Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Now look at the screen. Here you`ll see the words and three baskets. Each basket has a sound. You`ll should put the words with this sounds into the basket (Учащиеся подходят к учителю, берут слово и распределяют по корзинкам).
T: OK. Let`s check your answers. Look at the screen and check it.
Знакомство с новой темой
T: Now, please listen the riddle and answer in my question. The question is: What is the theme of our lesson?
P: It is London.
T: Yes, it is true. Dear boys and girls! Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to make “A dream trip around London”. Some people cannot imagine their life without travelling. It is very enjoyable activity during holidays. Modern means of communications makes the world a small place. Let`s go to the trip. Look at the screen. Here you`ll see a map of London. The first station of our trip is “Buckingham Palace”. Please read…
P: Buckingham Palace is the best known royal palace in the world. It was built in 1703. When Her Majesty the Queen is in the residence, the Royal Standard flutters over the east front. The palace is open to public in August and September.
T: The second station of our trip is “Houses of Parliament”. Please read…
P: Houses of Parliament stands on the River Thames at Westminster. It begun in 1840 after a Great Fire of London. It is officially known as the Palace of Westminster. The complex includes the House of Commons, the House of Lords, Westminster Hall, and the 320 foot high Clock Tower. It contains the world famous sight Big Ben.
T: The third station of our trip is “Piccadilly”. Please read…
P: Piccadilly is the centre of entertainment. It is the meeting point of six streets. Here you can find the most expensive shops, restaurants and entertainment places. This centre was created in 1980s.
T: The fourth station is “Trafalgar Square”. Please read…
P: Trafalgar Square is the popular place for political rallies and meetings. The Admiral Lord Nelson’s statue surveys the memorial to his great naval victory in 1805. The Admiral’s statue looks towards the House of Parliament. To the other side of the column are fountains.
T: The fifth station of our trip is “The British Museum”. Please read…
P: The British Museum is the largest and richest of its kind in the world. The present building was built in 1852. By law a copy of every book, periodical and newspaper, published in Britain must be presented in the British museum.
T: The next station is “St Paul’s Cathedral”. Please read…
P: St Paul’s Cathedral is the spiritual centre of the City. It was first built in 1666. The present building is the fifth cathedral to build on the site. The architect of the baroque-style building was Sir Christopher Wren.
T: The next station is “The Tower of London”. Please read…
P: The Tower has been part of the capital’s history for the past 900 years. The fortress first built by William the Conqueror as a citadel, royal palace, seat of the government. The Tower now protects the Crown Jewels.
T: The next station is “Tower Bridge”. Please read…
P: Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the finest bridges in the World.
T: OK. Now I see that you know the sightseeing of London.
3) Зарядка для глаз
T: Are you tired? Let`s stop working and relax for a minute.
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that book
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again.
Активизация лексики
T: Now open your dictionaries and write down new words (Учащиеся списывают новые слова с доски).
T: Now repeat all together the new words.
T: Open your exercise-books and write down the date. Look at the screen and match the sights and their names. I`ll give you 2 minutes and check it.
T: Look at the screen here you see the next exercise: fill in the sentences with the words in the table. Please come to me and take the card with right word. Let`s check it.
T: Now I`ll give you a sheets of paper. Please do the crossword puzzle.
Please give me your sheets of paper.
T: Open your record books and write down your homework to learn the new words by heart. You were active today. Your marks are __. Thank you for the lesson. The lesson is over. Good-bye.
Тип материала: | Презентация Power Point (ppt) |
Размер: | 1.12 Mb |
Количество скачиваний: | 6 |