Лескико-грамматический тест на тему Sequence Tenses

Предмет: Другое
Категория материала: Тесты

A.    Закончите предложения, соблюдая правила согласования времен:

1.      Nick said that …

a)      he has passed that exam

b)      he had passed that exam

c)      he have passed that exam

2.      We were sure that…

a)      she will come late

b)      she would  come late

c)      she comes late.

3.      My brother forgot…

a)      the TV program began early.

b)      the TV program begins early.

c)      the TV program begin early.

4.      The driver said that …

a)      he was in hurry.

b)      he were in hurry.

c)      he is in hurry. 

                  5. I was afraid that …

a)      they will be late.

b)      they would be late.

c)      they shall be late.

В. Подберите правильный перевод предложений:

1.Я знал, что они часто  играют в компьютерные  игры.

a)      I knew that they often played computer games.

b)      I knew that they often play computer games.

c)      I knew that they had often played computer games.

2. Они предполагали, что она смотрит телевизор вечером.

a)They supposed that she watch TV in the evening.

b)      They supposed that she had watched TV in the evening.

c)They supposed that she watched TV in the evening.


3.Мы были уверены, что он живет в том доме.

a)      We were sure that he lives in that house.

b)       We were sure that he had lived in that house.

c)      We were sure that he lived in that house.

5.      Он сказал, что поедут в Москву завтра.

a)      He said that they would leave for Moscow the following day.

b)      He said that they will leave for Moscow the following day.

c)      He said that they would leave for Moscow tomorrow.

6. Я думал, что они придут в воскресенье. 

d)     He thought that would come on Sunday

e)      He thought that will come on Sunday.

f)       He thought that had come on Sunday


С. Преобразуйте предложения, соблюдая правила согласования времен:


 1. They are running the commercial TV station. 2. These radio stations are competing with each other. 3. Children are playing computer games. 4. They are writing a composition. 5. They are playing football.     

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