Лидер XXI для учащихся

Предмет: Другое
Категория материала: Презентации

        ‘‘ The Leader of the XXI century’’


  Сейтбембетова Ж.С.-

     a  teacher of English 


    # 1after K. Muhamedjanov

     Kyzylorda town.  2013-2014 school years.


 The main goal:     to develop the speech habits of the students,

                                          to revise grammar materials of the previous lessons,

                                          to concentrate the attentions of participants to reading,     

                                          speaking, listening skills.

             The decorations:           Sayings and Proverbs

             The participants:        The pupils of the 7-th and 8-th forms


The procedure of the party

I.                    Organization  moment ( The participants introduce themselves:  surnames, names, forms, hobbies, friends,  likes and dislikes)

II.                 Guess the meaning

III.              Questions to check the knowledge about Kazakhstan, the USA, Great Britain,  logical thinking of the students.

IV.             The pleasure of reading.

V.                The proverbs and saying.

VI.             The congratulation of the winners of the party.


                                           The content of the party


        I. Guess the meaning of the sentences:

             1. The season between autumn and spring when it is too cold. (winter)

             2. The season between spring and autumn, when it is hot and there is a lot

             of flowers in the streets.                                                        ( summer)

             3. The thing you can buy in shoe shops.                  (high boots or shoes)

             4. Which is bigger a bear or an elephant?                            (an elephant)

             5. Which is cleverer a dog or a cat.                                               (a dog)

             6. A day of the week when the students don’t go to school.    (Sunday)

             7. A day of the week which is between Tuesday and Thursday. ( Wednesday)

             8. A thing where we write at school.                                    ( a blackboard)

             9. A subject which helps to know about the history                (History)

             10. A lesson where we study numbers.                                 (Math-s)

             11. A thing, where pupils sit in class.                                     (a desk)

             12. A place, where we wash our face and hands.                   (a bathroom)

             13. A place we live in.                                                               (a house)

             14. Things which are usually on the windows and make the

                  the rooms lovely                                                               ( flowers)                   

             15. A thing where we can see our faces in                                (mirror)

             16. A place, where we can see performances, plays, operas   (theatre)

               17. A place where we can watch films                                    (cinema)

               18. What is a harvest season?                                                 (autumn)

               19. A dry fruit of a plant, or the seed of a plant.                        (a nut)

               20. A place from where we can take books  to read.           ( a library)

               21. Smth. you like very much to do in your free time.         (a hobby.)


II. Guess the meaning of the words:            

1.    to speak loudly –                                     (to murmur)

2.     to move smth. strongly  towards yourself – (to push)

3.     very little-                                                     ( tidy)

4.     difficult story to read –                       (particular story)

5.     modern, new, fashionable –                 (up to-date)

6.     a group of elephants  -                                 (a herd)

7.     to read a lot and very fast –                 (to devour books)

8.     a group of people listening to or watching a performance –

                                                                   (an audience)

9.     to be nervous and excited about smth. –    (fussy)

10.           to make smth. start to burn or shine –    (to light)

11.           to feel sorry –                                        (to regret)

12.           to go round –                                          (to wind)

13.           not fashionable any longer –               (old- fashioned)

14.           to know or to understand the importance of smth. –

                                                                            (to realize)

15.           ordinary not special or middle member of group – (average)

16.           to make a noise by striking smth. -                (to knock)

17.           to give a word to behave well  -                  (to promise)

18.          to be sad about –                                            (anxious)

19.           to be held –                                                    (contained)

20.            a number of flies or other insects                    (sward)

21.          to say smth. difficult to understand –           (to mumble)

22.          to jump like a ball –                                      (to bounce)

23.           a way of teaching smth. with the help of repetition on special     exc-s –                                                            (a drill)

24.            the part of a building that supports it –         (foundation)

25.           especially –                                                   (particularly)

26.           greet                                                                (tremendous)

27.           a dark room –                                                 – (a pride)

28.           to fight –                                                        (to struggle)

29.           All the words on a language or list of words – (a vocabulary)

30.            to understand –                                                  (to realize)



1.     How many states are there in the USA? –                  50 states

2.      Who is a toddler? –                                2 year old boy or girl

3.      When does the Sun rise in summer? –                 at 6 o’clock

4.      What is Press? – all newspapers that are published in a country.

5.     When was the first explosion in the USSR set off on Semipalatinsk? –                                            August 29, 1949.

6.     Whose poem this?   ‘‘I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I know not where’’. –                                    H.W. Longfellow.

7.     How many chambers does the Parliament of Kazakhstan consist?                     –                                           2-ch-s: The Senate and Majilis____

8.      What American place of interest is known to many children of the world? Where is it situated? – Disneyland, near Los Angeles in California opened 1855 and Disney World in Florida opened 1947

9.      Name the first day of XXI century?  -                1-st of January

10.                       What’s the national flower of Japan? – the chrysanthemum.

11.                       What are the main political parties of the USA? – the    Democratic party and the Republic Party.

12.                       How many deputies does the Mashilis consist? –   67                     deputies

13.                       Where is Big Ben situated? – in the Houses of Parliament in London

14.                       What separates the continents from each other? – oceans and seas

15.                       What is the English for ‘‘невестка’’ – a daughter – in – law

16.                       How old was Alexander Pushkin when he died? –   38

17.                       Who is the greatest American Humorist? –   Mark Twain


1.     How many stripes are there in the USA’s flag? –      13 stripes.

2.      Who is a teenager? –                              13 year old boy or girl.

3.      At what temperature does ice melt? –                    zero degrees

4.      What is Religion? –                                believe in God or Gods

5.     When did the international movement ‘‘Nevada – Semey’’ begin its work? -                                                                          1988

6.     When is President’s Day celebrated in USA? – the third Monday of February.

7.     Whose poem is this? :  ‘‘ My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here’’ –                                                         ( Robert Burns)

8.      If you take 3 apples from a basket that contains 3 apples, how many apples will you have? –                                        3 apples


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