Лондон қаласындағы сауда саттық

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The theme of the lesson



The aims of the lesson:

1.    Educational aims: Generalization of pupils’ knowledge; practice pupils in dialogue, dialogical speech; presentation new lexic; development of pupils’ communication skills.

2.    Developing aims: Develop pupils’ habits in speaking, listening, translating and checking their understanding.

3.    Up-bringing aims: arose pupils’ interest to learning foreign languages; to teach pupils associate with each other.



Visual aids: cards, placard with new words, pictures, interactive board, electronic books.



Plan of the lesson:


1.    Organization moment.

2.    Brainstorming.

3.    Control of hometask.

4.    Presentation of new words.

5.    Listening text (from electronic book).

6.    Reading.

7.    Speaking.

8.    Your project.

9.    Game.

10.             Conclusion.

11.             Hometask.  Marking.











The Procedure of the lesson:


1.    Organization moment.


2.    Brainstorming.

Look at the slogan and repeat after me:

      One, one, one

      Little dog run

      Two, two, two

      Cat sees you

                                     Three, three, three

                                     Birds on a tree

                                     Four, four, four

                                     Rats on the floor

            So,  students, let’s start our lesson. I suppose you are in a fine mood, also I want to mention that there are some guests. Let’s try to show our excellent abilities. I know that you are clever, if it is so, let’s begin.


3.    Control of the homework.

So, I shall check your hometask. But first I’ll give you some cards. Two of you will work at the blackboard, and some pupils get cards too. So, dear students, what was your hometask?

      Giving cards.

      Checking other students’ hometask

      Conclusion of the checking of homework.

So, I think you have prepared very good for your homework. I suppose I’ll give you good marks for it.


4.    Presentation new words.








                        Department store





     Activisation  of new words. Using them in oral speech. Showing different pictures to the students making questions and answers.


5.    Listening to the text “From Michael’s diary” ( about shops and shopping).

Asking questions according to the text.


     6. Reading the text from the book “Shopping in London”.

Reading, translating the text.

Showing students pictures of Selfridges, which is the biggest supermarket in London.

     Fulfilling the table “Selfridges”.



             has 4 lifts                          Selfridges-          is situated in London



                                       has 6 floors


7.    Speaking. Making up a dialogue  about shops and shopping.


8.    My project. Supermarket “Dana”.


9.    Game. Who is the best shop-assistant in the supermarket ?

                      And who is the quickest shop-assistant?

                      Make a list of what do you want to buy.


10.                  Conclusion.


      11.       Homework    exercise 10, 11.


                  Giving marks to the students.

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