"Ұлыбритания" 7 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

Сыныбы:7 А

Тақырыбы: Ұлыбритания

Технология: Сынитұрғыданойлау

Мақсаты:Ұлыбританияжайлы мәтіндіоқыпталқылауарқылы, сөздікқорлары,сөйлеумүмкіндіктерідамиды



дамытушылық:жеке, жұппен,топпенжұмысжасайотырыпкоммуникативтікқасиеттерідамиды


Стратегиалар:жеке, жұппен, топпенжұмысжасау, екі бөлімді күнделік, өзараоқыту,бесжолдыөлеңстратегиялары

Әдіс-тәсілдер:сұрақ-жауап,оқу, талдау,талқылау,қорытындылау


Көрнекілік:плакаттар,үнтаспалар,дұрыс- қатепарақтары,қорытындыпарағы


I. Ұйымдастырукезеңі

а) Бағытберуэтапы

1. Кезекшіменәңгімелесу

- Goodmorning, children, howareyou?

- Who’sondutytoday?

- What date/ dayisittoday?

- Who’sabsent?

- Dearguests andteachersyouarewelcometothe7 ”A” grade.AsyouknowEnglishisthelanguagesoftheworld. Welcometoourlesson.Thethemeofourlessonis“Great Britain” Sotodaywe’ll speakabout Great Britain, reviewthewordwehavelearntlastlesson,readthetextand discussit.


-Lookattheblackboardandcheckupyourselves, please.

1.There are a lot of in theforest. whales

2. isusedforhuntingwild animals. elephants

3. Thewings of beat at the rate of 200.bat

4. don’tsee wellin the darkbut catch theinsects that they eat. a golden eagle

5. Thelargest are more than 30 meters long. honey bears

6. Especially Asian and Indian ___are in danger. wolves


- IfyouwanttoknowmoreaboutGreat Britain atfirstlet’s learnthenewwords

3. Жаңа сөздер

a) Separate-бөлу


Change -өзгеру

Greet- амандасу



b)giveyourphrases orexamples


- I’llgiveyou text.Youshould carefullylistenitfromthetaperecorder.

(мәтіндіүнтаспадантыңдағаннанкейін, оқушыларөздері оқыпшығады)

- жеке

- жұппен

- топпен

- Let’sreadthesentencebysentence.

Мәтін “Great Britain”

The United Kingdom of G.B. and Northern Irelands is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consists of two large islands, G.B. and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands. The area is over 244,000 square kilometers. The UK is made up of four countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. GB consists of England, Scotland and Wales and doesn't include Northern Ireland. The capital of the UK is London. The British Isles are separated from European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of GB is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

There are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm watersof Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles. The weather in GB is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening and the wrong side out. The population of the United Kingdom is over 57 million people. The official language of the United Kingdom is English. But in western Scotland some people still speak Gealic and northen and centralparts ofWales peopleoften speak Welsh.London isthe capital of England, Edinburg isthe capital ofScotland, Cardiff is the capital ofWales, Belfast is the capital ofNorthen Ireland.The name offlag is of the Unitad Kingdom, knownas the Union Jack, is made of three crosses.

The English people say: "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather." The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or then it rains all day long.

The weather is the favorite conversational topic in GB. After they greet each other they start talking the weather.

5. Венн диаграмасы

a) талдау

b) қорғау

6. Екі бөлімді күделік



How manyislandsdoesthe British Isles consisit?

What is the area of the United Kingdom?

Whatcountry doesn’t includeto Great Britain?

Whatis the longest river in Britain?

What is the official language of the United Kingdom?

What can you say about weather?

Where is the United kingdom of Great Btitain situated?

How many countriesare there inthe UK?

What is thecapital of the UK?

What is the deepest riverin Britain?

What is the population of Great Britain?

What is the name of the flag?

7. Оқушылартапсырманыорындағаннанкейін“Бесжолдыөлең”стратегиясынқолданыпөлеңжазады

Great Britain

III. Қорытынды(лидерлер өз топтарындағыоқушыларғажеке-жеке, қатысуынабайланыстыбағалайды)

- Youhavebeenveryanactiveatthelesson.Iseeyouhavelearntthethemegood. Canyoutalkaboutcinemaandvideo?

VI Үйге тапсырма

А. мазмұндау

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Размер: 52 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 10
Просмотров: 138

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