Мотивированность использования английского языка в сфере бизнеса

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты
Why English words penetrate into modern Russian language? In the historical development of human, languages have constant connections with each other. Today Anglicism penetrates into the Russian language rapidly in large quantities. In our days, English has become the language of international communication. Since the 90 years it is seen the various advances of borrowings. There are many words of English origin in all spheres of modern life. We use them in jobs, physics, medicament, sport, computing, and art. What are explanations for the flow of English words in the Russian language? We will found the most significant in our viewpoint: Global trend towards the internationalization of the lexical Fund; The growth of the business, scientific, trade, cultural relations of Russia with other countries, foreign tourism, the participation of Russians in the Olympic Games, international film festivals, fashion shows and etc. The global market development, Economics, information technology has led to the emergence of new terminology (language, computer, Economics, Finance, Internet). We got several new goods that require name: e-mail, Internet, laptop drive, bytes, and a website. And it is easier for us to use existing words of another language than invent new ones. The trend, the knowledge of English is greatly important now. As Aristova V.M. wrote in her article “English-Russian language contacts” «that while using Anglicism, Russian people wanted to look fashionable, prestigious, win the respect of the interlocutor. They are sure that the word «shopping» sounds more expressive than the expression «поход за покупками», and also like to use in his speech the words: presentation, rating, briefing, shop-tour, killer, talk shows, showman, and brain-ring.”[1,c.4] The well-nigh significant cause is the undeniable global leadership of the USA in many areas of modern life. The absence of more precise name (or his loss with borrowing), and so now, 15% of the latest Anglicism firmly established in the dictionary of business people.
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