Обобщающий урок по теме "Великобритания"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Другие методич. материалы

                       Ход урока.

1.Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.

Good morning children! I am glad to see you. Sit down.

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? Who is absent today?

What season is it? What is the weather today like? What colour are leaves on the trees?

Сегодня обобщающий урок по теме: «Посещение Британии.» Кроме этого мы  повторим  изученную лексику и грамматический материал , связанный со сравнением объектов с помощью степеней сравнения.

2 .Совершенствованиенавыков  аудирования.

Listen to the text and say

Why they are  going to London

1.Vera is going to London to spend her holidays ,to do the city.

2. Oleg is going to London to work there.

3.Masha is going to London to visit her brother.

(слайд №1)

 1.Hi! My name is Vera .I am going to London for holidays with my parents in June .We are going to stay at a big hotel and do the city. We are going to stay there for a week .I am learning English at school and I know about England and its capital .Now I am going to see  Trafalgar Square, the Houses of Parliament, to visit the National Gallery and the British Museum .I would like to see a lot in London.

2.My son’s name is Oleg .Oleg is twenty-seven He is working for a big food company. Their central office is in London .Soon Oleg is going to London with his boss. They are going to meet a lot of people and to work there. My son says he is going to speak English in London. He knows English a little.

3.Masha lives in Pavlovsk . It is  a beautiful  town near St .Petersburg. Masha is fourteen , she goes to school in Pavlovsk  .Masha’s family is not very big .She’s got a mother ,a father and a brother .Her brother is living and working in London now . Masha is going to visit him soon. SheisgoingtoLondonbyplane.



3.Повторение изученной  лексики и употребление ее в речи.

Centre(cлайд  №4 )

Я люблю гулять в центре города.

Tour(слайд №5)

Поездка в музей была очень интересная.

Market(слайд №6)

Мы увидели красивые цветы на рынке.

Souvenir(слайд №7)

Я подарил сувениры моему другу.

Restaurant (слайд №8)

Мы ходили в ресторан обедать.

Monument (слайд №9)

В центре города находится памятник Жуковскому.

Church (слайд №10)

В  Москве находится много красивых церквей.

Bridge.(слайд №11)

В Лондоне есть много прекрасных мостов.

Post-office.(слайд №12)

Почта находится в центре города.

Railwaystation(слайд №13)

Мы приехали на станцию поздно вечером.

Road(слайд № 14).

Дорога домой была интересной.

Palace.(слайд №15)

Королева Великобритании живет во дворце.

Underground.(слайд №16)

Московское метро -самое красивое в мире.




4.Закрепление лексики в упражнении.

1.There are a lot of monuments to Russian  writers in Moscow.

2.Where do you usually buy sourvenirs?

3.Is the Red Square in the centre of Moscow?

5. Yesterday I had  dinner in the restaurant.

6. A lot of people buy fruit and vegetables in the market ,they don’t buy them in the shops.

7. Last summer we had an interesting tour of the north-west  of Russia.



5..Познакомимся с достопримечательностям Лондона.

(слайд 17)

1.слайд18. 3 parts of London. London is divided into 3 parts.

2.cлайд19. . The City.

It is the oldest part of London. There are many banks and offices there .Thousands of people come here every morning to work there.


3.cлайд 20.The West End .It is the richest  part of London .There are  fine shops and theatres there. This part is best known for rich tourists. In the West End there are a lot of beautiful parks and the largest of all is the Hyde Park .The most famous museum-the British museum is also here.


4.слайд 21. The East End. It is the poorest part of London ,where people of  all  colors  live .The riverside docks make London one of the three largest ports  in the world

5.слайд 22. .Trafalgar Square. It is the most beautiful  place  in London .There are two beautiful fountains in the square .They are in front of the National Gallery.

6.слайд 23.The monument to Admiral Nelson

It is  in the middle of Trafalgar Square in the center of London.

7. слайд 24. National Gallery.

It is one of the best picture galleries of the world .Every day many tourists visit this fine building with tall columns

.8.cлайд 25

The Houses of Parliament. THE large clock in one of the towers is Big Ben .Big Ben is a name of the clock and the bell of the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.

9.слайд 26. Westminster.

The political center of London . There are a lot of offices here.

Westminster Abbey is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London It is more than 9 hundred years old. Many English kings and queens are buried there.

.Buckingham Palace is a wonderful building with a monument in front of which is  the Queen Victoria Memorial

.The Tower of London. . The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace ,a prison and the king’s Zoo .Now it is a museum

10.слайд  27. St.Paul’s Cathedral.

It is one of the greatest English churches. The famous English  architect sir Christopher Wren built it in 17th century .It took him 35 years .It is a beautiful building with many columns and towers London Eye.

11.слайд 28. .The Tower of London. . The Tower of London was a fortress, a palace ,a prison and the king’s Zoo .Now it is a museum

12.слайд 29 London Eye.

13.слайд 30. The Sherlock Homes’ Museum.


6.Практика навыков чтения с охватом содержания.


Упражнение 6,стр. 55

 7..Повторение грамматического  материала.

Сравнение прилагательных с помощью структуры as….as ,notas…as.

Если нужно сравнить два предмета, а их качества одинаковы(неодинаковы),англичане часто употребляют конструкции as…as ,notas…as.

The brown table is as big as the yellow table.коричневыйстолтакойжебольшой, какижелтый.

Sunday was not as cold as Saturday.-Воскресеньенебылотакимхолодным, каксуббота.(слайд31)

The house is as big as the cinema.

The house is not big as the cinema

This blue  car is not as beautiful as the white car.

This black car is as beautiful as the white  car

Ken is as tall as Roy .

Bob is not as tall as Ken.

Сравнение объектов с помощью сравнительной и превосходных степеней сравнения прилагательных.(слайд 32)

Если в слове один слог или 2 слога, которые заканчиваются на –y,-ow ,-er  , то степени сравнения образуются с помощью суффиксов –er , -est.

Eg. Big- bigger –the biggest

      Clever- cleverer- the cleverest

        Happy-happier-the happiest  (слайд 33)

Скажи это по-английски.(слайд 34)

Машины медленнее ,чем самолеты.

Моя мама моложе, чем мой папа.

Среда была самым ветреным днем недели.

Если прилагательные  состоят из 2 или более слогов, они образуют сравнительную и превосходную степени сравнения с помощью слов more , themost.

Eg. Pleasant-more pleasant-the most pleasant

      Interesting- more interesting- the most interesting(слайд 35)

Green Square is more beautiful than Central Square.

The Clock Tower is more famous than Television Tower.(слайд 36)


8.Закрепление материала в грамматическом упражнении.


Выберитеправильноеслово.(слайд 37)

1.My story is (more interesting/most interesting) than Peter’s story.

2.The market in the east end of the city is as ( big/bigger) as the market in the west.

3.His souvenir is (better/best) than my souvenir.

4.A double-decker is(higher/highest) than a usual bus.

5.The Urals mountains are(lower/lowest) than the Alps.

6. High Street is (narrower, the narrowest) in the city.

7.Ben is ( weak/weaker) than his brother.

8.Ann is the (happier/happiest) of all her friends.


10. Закрепление лексики в ответах на вопросы( слайд38)

1.What souvenirs do you like to give to your friends?

2.What color are London double-deckers?

3.Are supermarkets big or small?

4.Where do people usually go when they want to look at good pictures?

5.What is there in the centre of your town?

6.What would you like to make : a tour of Moscow or a tour of St.Petersburg?


11.Проверка домашнего задания.


 18.Домашнее задание.

Упр.9 стр.76., упр.10 стр. 7


11.Подведение итогов и выставление оценок.



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