Здесь была ссылка на работу Open lesson Wildlife. Typical kazakhstan animals автора Калжанова Сабира Сарсенбаевна.
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Mixed The method of the lesson: question-answer, individual work, reading and speaking The visual of the lesson: the state symbols, the map of the Republic, pictures, the interactive board, computers. Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, Zoology, Mats. In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 9 reserves - A camel can live without water. - The cleverest animal is a horse - Tigers and lions are the cleverest animals in the world. - A camel lives in the desert. It needs little water. - A tiger is a small cat and it is weak.