План-конспект интегрированного урока по истории и английскому языку в 5 классе «Олимпийские игры»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты


План-конспект интегрированного урока по истории и английскому языку в 5 классе «Олимпийские игры»


to develop pupils` skills and habits of prepared and unprepared speech;

to teach pupils` skills to express their opinion;

to develop pupils` skills in reading;

 to develop pupils` skills in listening;

to develop pupils` skills in writing;

to teach students to respect the traditions of other countries.

Materials and aids: course-book “History of ancient World”, multimedia-projector, tests.



II. Вводный этап.

1) Приветствие.

T. Good morning, dear friends. I`m glad to see you. How are you today? I think everything is OK. Areyoureadytostartourwork?

Дети здороваются и садятся на свои места.

2) Оргмомент.

T. Today we will talk about Olympic Games in ancient. First write down all the words you can think of  which go with the words Olympic Games compare your ideas with those of your classmates.














Дети пишут и называют слова, которые они ассоциируют с олимпийскими играми.

II. Основнойэтап.

Рассказ учителя истории интересные факты об Олимпийских играх.


T. Look at the screen. There are many new words for you. I`ll pronounce and you`ll repeat after me.


     2)  Аудирование с извлечением общей информации – для всего класса.


T. Listen to me and answer my questions.

    In Olympic Games took part fighters, runners, throwers of spear and discus, fisticuffsers, jumpers. Games are held 1 time in 4 years. Wars are forbidden during the Olympic Games. Olympia is a town which is situated in the South of Greece. Hundredth of participants and thousandth of  spectators came to Olympia. The 1st Olympic Games began in 776 b.e.

    Only free Greeks could be rich or poor, outstanding or not. Only rich sportsmen could avoid to train. Why? Вопроскученикамкласса?

The women are forbidden to take part in Olympic Games. These games are devoted to Zeus.

    All sportsmen must train in their own town. Before equal 1 month the athletes must come to the South of Greece where they continued to train. Olympic Games continued 5 days.

    First day: All athletes immolated and swore to be honest in their actions. Judges swore to be equitable. Most of competitions are held on the stadium. The most important competition was pentathlon. It is consisted of 5 stages: run, jump, throwing of spear, discus and fight. The spectator paid much attention to fisticuffs and running with a gun.

    The most exciting was race of chariots. Only rich people took part in this sort of competition because having a horse was very expansive.

    On the fifth day gold and elephantiasis table are put in front of Zeus`s Cathedral. There were awards – a wreath from the sticks of Olivia.


1)    Who took part in Olympic Games?

2)    How many days did competitions continue?

3)    Where are Olympic Games held?

4)    How often Olympic Games are held?

5)    When was Olympic Games begun?

6)    Could women take part in Olympic Games?

7)    What kinds of sportsmen were able to take part in Olympic Games?

8)    What kind of competition was the most exciting?

Ученики отвечают на вопросы.

    3) Физкультминутка.

   4) Письмо.


1.   The Ancient Games were first held in

a)   Italy                            c) Greece

b)  Germany                     d) Spain

2.   The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in

a)   London                        c) Rome

b)  Barcelona                    d) Athens

3.   The first of the Modern Olympic Games were held in

a)   1876                            c)  1906

b)   1896                            d)  1916

4.   The Olympic Games are held ever;."

a) 2 years

c) 6 years

b) 4 years

d) 8 years

5.   The Olympic symbol is

a)   4 interlaced squares c) 3 blue stars

b)   5 interlaced rings

6.   The 1980 Winter Olympics were held in

a)   Los Angeles

Тип материала: Документ Microsoft Word (doc)
Размер: 48.5 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 14
Просмотров: 115

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