План урока для 8 класса на тему Emotional Nature of the Humans

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Agustin Marissa
Education is bitter but the fruit is sweet.

Emotional Nature of the Humans

·         Can students (individually) identify an emotion in a narrative they are working on and add 3 or more sentences to their draft that show the emotion?

. With our feelings and emotions we experience ourselves in this world. They are the driving force, the power, and the motor of our life. Without feelings and emotions we would be like robots, a computer operating a body with the help of electric signals.

It is the feelings and emotions, our likes and dislikes, that give our life meaning, that make us happy or unhappy, fulfilled or dissatisfied .


'Feelings' in a general sense, are what we may feel in any part of our body. These may be simple body sensations, such as hot or cold, pain, or else they may be feelings associated with emotions, such as love or hate, joy or anger.

'Emotions', on the other hand, are feelings or reactions about someone or something, and usually involving our ego. We are angry about someone, afraid of something, in love with someone.


The lesson plan,  example of a short activity with simple instructions that appeals to a diverse group of parent interests and teachers’ needs. The activity is an ideal one for implementation by classroom volunteers.


8- G

Brief Description

Through discussion  and art, students identify and express different feelings and emotions.


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Количество скачиваний: 7
Просмотров: 82

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