План урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

How do you get to … ? 6 form


Средняя школа имени И.Алтынсарина

Aims: to enrich students knowledge on the theme “How do you get to…?”.

to develop pupils’ skills of speaking, to develop their writing, reading,

and speaking abilities;to bring up students to respect and love foreign languages.

Methods : questions-answer, ind.work, game elements


The aids:cards, pictures, the interactive board, tables

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment:

А) Greeting

Б) a short talk with the pupils on duty.

II. Checking the home task

Exercise 7

III. Warm-up

Teacher: Do you like to travel?

Teacher: How can people travel?
Pupils: by plane; by ship; by train; by bus; by car…
Teacher: And what about you? why?
Pupil 1: There is nothing like traveling by sea

P. 2: I am fond of traveling by plane because it is very fast.
P.3: I like to travel by train because it is comfortable P. 4: I like to travel by car because it is cheap

P. 5: I like to travel by bus because it is interesting

IV. Pre-reading tasks

T:Good !

The theme of our lesson is “How do you get to…?”

Today we’ll speak about Transports and do different tasks.

Let’s begin our lesson.Ex.2p123 Match the words with the pictures.

Name the means of communication and say:

1)which is the slowest;2) which is the fastest ;

3) which people can use only in towns and only in the country;

4)which you often use or never use .



I think it’s time to prepare our luggage. Look at the active-board and choose the words denoting

1) means of communication; 2) ways for means of communication

(airport, train, car, platform, way, river, plane, railway station,

road, bus stop,field , ship, port, boat, street, bicycle, horse,

underground, tram ) use dictionary if you need

Look at the picture and write the sentences

VI.Pair work . Read the dialogue silently and dramatize it, replace

the phrases

  • Excuse me!
  • Yes?
  • Can you tell me how to get to the theatre?
  • Certainly.
  • What do you think is the best way to get there?
  • By underground, I think.
  • Is it the shortest way?
  • The fastest one.

VI. Grammar Doing exercises 4-8 Positions of Adverbs

VII. Reading and speaking Listen the text from the tape recorder , find the adverbs , complete the chart (true or false)

VIII. Conclusion T: Now at the end of our lesson ,

look at the picture and answer the questions.

IX. The end of the lesson

What have we done today ?

Do you like our travel?

I’m glad to have such clever pupils.

You know English very well.

Thank all boys and girls for your good and active job today!

Giving marks and hometask

The title of the lesson: Welcome to Disneyland?6 form

Aims: to speak about Disneyland ; to develop students abilities; to enrich their knowledge; to bring up interest in learning English ;to introduce with W. Disney’s life

Methods of the lesson: explanation, game technology, group work, pair work, test

Type : mixed

The aids:cards, pictures, the interactive board , schemes

The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment:

А) Greeting

Б) a short talk with the pupils on duty.

II. Checking the home task

III.Warm-up Look at the active board what can you see. Yes, it is the

cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. “Walt Disney pictures present” these words are

translated into many languages. Give the Russian and Kazakh equivalents.

Ex 1p140

a. Have you ever heard about Disneyland?

b. Have you ever been to Disneyland?

c. Do you want to go there?

d. What is your favourite W. Disney’s cartoon ?

Our theme in our lesson is “ Welcome to Disneyland!” If you want

visit Disneyland, you ‘lluse the transport. Look and answer

the questionsHow do you get to Disneyland? And what kind of

transport you need and why.

IV. Main part.

Today we can know more about Disneyland and their characters. Disneyland is situated in USA and it’s divided:

  • 1. Main Street U.S.A
  • 2.Frontiery land
  • 3.Discovery land
  • 4.Adventure land
  • 5.Fantasy land
  • a short information about the parts of Disneyland.

New words

•ceremony ['serimәni] той, салтанат

•knowledge ['nolid ] білім

•create [krir:eit] v, құру

•magical ['maed ikal] сиқыршылық

•acre ['eikә] n, акр

•dusty [d sti] шаңды

V.Reading and speaking Read the text and see if your answers were correct

«To all who come to this happy place! Welcome. Disneyland is your land»

Walt Disney said these words on July 17,1955 at the opening

ceremony of his park.

Disneyland is a place where people find both happiness an knowledge.

Walt Disney told his friends a story about how, on Saturdays,

he took his two daughters to parks and playgrounds.

VI.Practie Exercise 3 Comprehension check

a. How old is Disneyland?

b. What kind of place is Disneyland?

c. Who created this park?

d. Whom did he take to parks and playgrounds?

e. Is it a big park?

Exercise 4Discuss the questions and answers of exercise 3A again and tell each other about Disneyland. Exercise 5 Do you know any other Disneyland’s outside the USA?

VIII. Conclusion of the lesson. Giving marks, home task

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