План урока по английскому языку на тему "Знаменитые люди Великобритании"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы


        To educate  character of the students based on universal human values; to develop activeness and independence, tolerance and respect to other nations and cultures for successful self-realization; to teach cognitive activity through the use of foreign language;

        To develop students’ internal motivation for language and culture learning; to develop students’ attention and open-mindedness, aural memory, way of thinking and imagination, ability to analytical activity.

        To broaden students’ outlook through the familiarization with new information on the topic “British Writers”

        To develop students’ communicative competences, spontaneous and preprogrammed speaking; to develop creativeness through the use of information and communication technologies

        To train the students in free foreign language speaking  during preparation of a project on the topic “British Writers”

        To develop students’ creative self-expression skills while making a presentation regarding this branch of art and their own understanding of beauty



I.                  Orgmoment: Good morning my dear students and dear guests!

Today we have opening lesson.

The theme of our lesson is FAMOUS PEOPLE OF GB.

 The grammar theme is revision of Present Simple, Present continuous and Past Simple Tenses.

II.               Phonetic warm-up

Look at the blackboard, there is phonetically exercise.

I read and you repeat after me.

Exercise A

Lead – lid

If-it-tip –kit

Did – bill

Mil –meal

Pill – peal

Keel –kill

Sit – seat.



III. Grammar time: revision of Present Simple, Present continuous and Past Simple Tenses.

a)     What is Present Simple? And when do we use it?

Give me some examples:

What do you do every morning? (short song I wake up4 min)

b)    What Is Present continuous?

And when do we use it?

Give me some examples:

What are you doing in the moment?(short song 2min)

c)     What is Past Simple?

And when do we use it?

Give me some examples:


What did you do yesterday?(_song yesterday3 min)

- working with words from song

(how many words could you listen?)

-   Full the table, find all tenses and write.



Present Simple

Present Continuous

Past Simple
































IV.            I start our theme: Famous people of Great Britain. 

I read this text with presentation (10min)

Let’s start our lesson “Famous People of Great Britain”. Why namely this topic?

Because Great Britain became great due to   its nation, its scientists, musicians, political leaders, sportsmen, writers and poets etc.

And if you want to speak English, you should know famous Englishmen. t is important to know famous English people. Do you agree?


Great Britain is very rich with outstanding people and always was. There are lots of famous British musicians, sportsmen, scientists, writers, explorers and so on. One of the most important people of the mankind was Charles Darwin, who was a great explorer, scientist and a writer. He has travelled around the world carefully studying the origin of people and some animals and then he produced his famous "On the origin of species" book, where he stated that all human creatures originated from some simpler creatures through evolution and natural selection. Another outstanding Englishman, who has changed the course of literature and theater development, was a great writer William Shakespeare. Thanks to him everybody in the world knows the story of "Romeo and Juliet". One of the most influential changes in music world was brought by the famous English rock band "Beetles". Some of the band leaders are already gone, but their music is still as popular as it used to be decades ago. Isaac Newton was another great man in the world of science. This prominent Englishmen is considered to be a founder of physics. Many of the famous English men are buried in Westminster Abbey, in London. Speaking about contemporary celebrities of Great Britain, it's important to mention some well-known country leaders, such as Queen Elizabeth II, who has been a monarch of the country for almost 60 years by now. Among well-known Britons some sportsmen are worth mentioning, such as David Beckham - a famous footballer, Paula Radcliffe - a famous athlete, Steve Redgrave - a famous rower and many others. Great Britain can be also proud by some of her prominent artists, such as Thomas Gainsborough, William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, John Constable and several others.

V.               Time for Students.

VI.         Now I would like you to play the game “Who is the first?”.  The game is played in two teams. Before we start the game, we should appoint jury members. The team that gives a correct answer the first gets one point.


Game time: who is the first.

There are two teams

Task 1. Find the “rhyming twins” and write them down.(2 min)

Night           wear   pig     wrong   eye    my   let   there      short    bought   long    arm   trousers       Big             skirt     Farm     right




Task2. Read and match. Do you know any famous British people? 15 min


 (I read about 4 persons)



Task3. Game “snail”

Finish the  names and dates of born of the famous people of Kz.of Rus. And of GB. 10 min.





VII.         Checking your home task.


Presentations about W.Sheks, Agata Cristie, C.Dickens, Canon Doyel



VIII.      Answer to following questions.


IX.            finishing the lesson


Thank you for active participation in today’s lesson. Now I would like the members of the jury to announce the results of the game and say who is the winner of the game.  

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