Практическое пособие «Как запомнить фразовые глаголы в английском языке?»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

"Описание материала:

Практическое пособие по изучению фразовых глаголов в английском языке.

  Данная работа содержит задания по изучению и употреблению фразовых глаголов в английском языке. 

"Выдержка из материала:

«Педагог подобен айсбергу — своим ученикам он передает лишь его видимую надводную часть, остальное — гарантия устойчивости»

Андреева Татьяна Сергеевна, учитель английского языка высшей квалификационной категории,Почётный работник общего образования РФ, лауреат конкурса «Грант Москвы» 2003, 2011 годов, Победитель Всероссийского конкурса профессионального мастерствапреподавателей английского языка «Хочу поделиться опытом» 2010 года.

Данная работа содержит задания по изучению и употреблению фразовых глаголов в английском языке.

1. Look at the blackboard and write down the new words.

2. Do you want to look around your new house?

3. I will look through these files and see if I can find a copy of my document.

4. Bob is ill. Can you look in and see if he needs anything?

5. Look at Mary. She is much happier now.

6. Could you look after the baby for a couple of hours? Ill go shopping.

7. What are you looking for? Im looking for my sunglasses. I cant remember where I have put them.

8. Im looking forward to meeting you in Moscow. I miss you so much!

9. Looking ahead, I think the company needs to produce some new goods.

10. She is the best person in the group for other students to look up to.

11. Grown up people often look back on their school days when they were young and healthy.

Keys (TEST 1)

1. Look at the blackboard and write down the new words.

2. Do you want to look around your new house?

3. I will look through these files and see if I can find a copy of my document.

4. Bob is ill. Can you look in and see if he needs anything?

5. Look at Mary. She is much happier now.6. Could you look after the baby for a couple of hours? Ill go shopping.

7. What are you looking for? Im looking for my sunglasses. I cant remember where I have put them.

8. Im looking forward to meeting you in Moscow. I miss you so much!

9. Looking ahead, I think the company needs to produce some new goods.

10. She is the best person in the group for other students to look up to.

11. Grown up people often look back on their school days when they were young and healthy.

12. You can get ahead in learning foreign languages only if you work hard.

20. Dont be afraid! Get on this horse, its so quiet.

21. Oliver Twist had to get away from the place where he lived because people treated him badly.

22. She cant get over her shyness.

23. Lets get through this conversation. Im tired of it.

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