Презентация к мастер-классу «Be healthy»

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации
Мастер-класс на тему “Healthy way of life”Цель мастер-класса: Систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме «Health and Body Care»; Задачей моего мастер-класса является развитие коммуникативных навыков на основе использования элементов личностно-ориентированных технологий.Задачи:Образовательные: обобщение лексического материала по теме «Health», обобщение грамматического материала (модальный глагол «should»), развитие навыков говорения, аудирования (просмотр видео), чтения и письма по теме. Развивающие: развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Health and Body Care», развитие творческих способностей учащихся, развитие памяти, внимания и мышления, развитие умения обобщать и делать выводы. Воспитательные: воспитание здоровых привычек и культуры здорового образа жизни, воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве. Современные технологии обучения ИЯ Когнитивные (проектная деятельность, конференции, круглые столы, дискуссии). Сотрудничающие (драматизация, ролевые игры, интерактивные беседы, совместное составление рассказов). Контролирующие (тестирование, языковые портфели, конкурсы и олимпиады). Мультимедийные (аудио-, видео-, компьютерные программы, Интернет-ресурсы). Здоровьесберегающие (смена видов деятельности, музыка, физзарядка). PROCEDURE1. Warming up. BrainstormingT. Today our lesson is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious things in people's life. We can't buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. In order to be healthy we should follow some special rules. P. A Healthy Way of Life T. Right you are. So today we are going to speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy and about doctors, because they help us to be healthy.2. Phonetic PracticeT. Look at the screen, please. I will read these words and then you will repeat them altogether. T. And our first contest is to answer the questions about health. When should people get up and go to bed? (1) How many times a day should people clean their teeth? (2) What should people do before eating? (1) What healthy food should people eat? (2) Whom should people consult to prevent an illness? (1) What should people do if they have a cold? (2) What should people do if they have a toothache? (1) What should people do if they can't sleep? (2) 4. Health Code T. Now I will give each team a leafsheet with a list of recommendations which we should follow or shouldn't follow to be healthy. Get up early and go to bed early Wash your hands before eating Smoke Watch TV too long Go in for sports Clean your teeth once a day Sleep enough Take a cold shower Eat too many sweets Spend much time indoors Eat between meals Air the room5) T. I hope you understand that it is important to follow these simple rules to keep fit. But sometimes people can fall ill. What should they do in this case? T. Look at the first screenshot. How do you think What does this person complain of?  Start with the words: I think  ….6) What will you do if you have some problems with your health?7) Make up a dialog and give a piece of advice to your friend if:8)  Jumbled proverbs about healthT. The next task of our competition is called «Jumbled Proverbs». And you must put the words in a logical order. T. Take the number of the proverb that you are going to make up. wealth is good above health a day apple an away keeps doctor a to and health bed wise makes a rise man early and early to wealthy a mind sound a in body sound P. The first proverb runs «Good health is above wealth». P. The second proverb runs «An apple a day keeps a doctor away».P. The third proverb runs «Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise».P. And the last proverb is «A sound mind in a sound body».9) T. Our next task is to find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs. T. Are you tired?  To have a rest is also one of the rules of keeping fit. Let's have a rest and sing a song »Alouette, little Alouette».10)  11. CrosswordT. And the last contest of our lesson is the crossword. .10. A magic flower T. So you see that nowadays ordinary people as well as celebrities want to be strong and healthy. And what about you? What do you do to keep fit? This magic flower will help you to answer my question. (Слайд 22) I will give each of you a coloured petal and you will fill it in, writing what you do to keep fit. And then you'll come up to the blackboard and fix your petal round the centre. 12. Summing upT. Our lesson has come to an end. It was our last lesson on the topic »Health and Body Care». I see that you know much about the main rules of keeping fit. And I hope that you will continue to take care of your health in everyday life in future.
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