Презентация к открытому уроку английского языка "Travelling" 9класс.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Открытый урок  в 9в классе «Travelling»   18.12.2014г.

Цель: развитие коммуникативной компетенции.


-активизировать познавательную деятельность учащихся;

- совершенствовать навыки  и  умения аудирования, говорения (диалогической и монологической речи)  по теме «Путешествия», расширение  словарного  запаса;

  -научить аргументировать свое отношение к обсуждаемому  вопросу, делать выводы;

-развивать языковую догадку, творческое воображение, умение   слушать и слышать;

-развивать умения использовать  знания в новой ситуации;

-развивать умения работать в команде;

Оснащение  урока:  УМК М.З.Биболетовой, презентации ,компьютер, экран, проектор.

Ход урока:

I.   Начало урока: 

 T: Hello, everybody!   Glad to see you! Слайд №1  I think you can guess what the topic of the lesson is, can’t you?

 P1:  Yes, we can    because we had to make some presentations about travelling, learn some dialogues…

 T: - Слайд №2 - Yes, you are right.    -“Travelling”.

   Слайд №3

-Well. And what about the aims of the lesson? What are we going to do at the lesson? Please, use the proper linking words from the screen.

  Слайд №4  For example, to my mind, we will…   Or in my opinion, we will…


P2- I think, we’ll speak English of course!

P3- Maybe, we’ll put questions and ask them.

P4-We are going to role- play.

P5-We’ll show our presentations and tell about our trips.)

T: Excellent! You also will listen to a conversation.  In that way you’ll enrich yourvocabulary, broaden your mind. These are the aims of the lesson.

 You see -we’ve got a lot to do.

 II. Слайд №5 Фонетическаязарядка:

Children, there some synonyms to the word “Travelling”.

Will you look at the screen? Each of them has its own nuance.

Let’s read them at first!

Now, please, match the pictures with the words!

 Наслайде  слова  и  картинки: Cruise, trip, tour, voyage, journey, hitchhiking.

III. Речеваязарядка:

1.  Why do people travel? What about the reason?  

 (Use the linking words from the board)

2. How can people travel?

3. What is the most comfortable way of travelling?

4. Do you like travelling?

5. Where did you go last year? What did you like most of all?

 6. Have you ever been abroad?

7. What way of travelling do you prefer?

7. What country would you visit if you had a chance?

IV. Проверка домашнего задания:

  Слайд №6  

You had to make some presentations at home.   What is the most memorable [ˈmɛm (ə) rəbl] trip for you? Who will start?

(Cофия, Дарина, Руслан, Миля, Регина, Диана и Венера)

V.   Listening. You’ll listen to a conversation now.

Слайды  № 7,8,9,10,11,12,13

It is connected with Luxor [ˈlʌksɔː].  It is probably the most fascinating place of Egypt.    It is a museum in the open air.

Слайд  №14

Вариант 3.    mp3   ЕГЭ  2014   М.В.Вербицкая.  Раздать листочки  с заданием.  Объяснение задания.

VI. Relaxation: Слайд № 15

 Are you tired? Then we can relax now. Maybe, our guests will join us.   Have a look at this slide, please.   

Try to remember it, ok?

 I’d like you to listen to me and not to open your eyes.

Слайд  № 16

Sit comfortably.  Close your eyes. Breathein. Breathe out.   Let’s pretend it’s summer.   You are on a sandy beach.

The weather is fine.

(Включаю запись – шум моря, крики чаек)

  The light wind is blowing from the sea. The birds are singing.

 You have no troubles. No serious problems. You are quiet.

Your brain relaxes. There is calm in your body. Nothing divertsyour attention.  You are relaxing. (Pause)

Your troubles float away.  You can do anything. You are sure of yourself .You are in good spirits.   

Open your eyes.    I hope you’ve relaxed, haven’t you?

VII.Слайд № 17. Развитие навыков говорения (полилог):

 Now imagine that your parents have promised you a two-week holiday.  Only you will decide where to go.

There are two options:  a language school in London and a trip to Egypt.

Please form 2 groups.  (Обращаюськпервойгруппе): You’d like to have an educational holiday.   

(К второй): And you’d like to visit Egypt.

Your task is to discuss and come to   an agreement.

(примерные ответы учащихся)

     language school   


1.   We simply must go to London!  We could have a holiday and improve our English.


2. It is a holiday.  And I don’t want to be in classroom during my holidays.

3. They usually have lessons in the morning and trips and sports in the afternoon.

4. How much will it cost?  I think language schools in Britain are quite expensive.

  5.  Of course,   they   are not  cheap:                                        770- 1200  pounds 

6.  Our parents can’t afford so much money, I believe.

7. I have always dreamt to visit London.

It would be unforgettable!

8. In my opinion, it would be tiring to learn English all day long!

9. To my mind, we could go to Egypt when we become older.  After leaving school, for example.

10. Firstly, it is cold here. Secondly, last summer was bad: rainy, windy, and chilly. I would rather visit a warm country.

11.   Let’s go to London! We would have a chance to talk to native speakers!

12.  No, I disagree with you: we should go to the Red -sea!

13.  No, I can’t agree with you!!!

We should go only to London!

We would have a chance to meet new friends, to go sightseeing, to talk to English people!

14. And what about going to Egypt and seeing ancient Pyramids?  I have seen them only in films.

15.   I don’t understand what is there in those Pyramids? Usual constructions!!!

16. We could swim every day in the warm sea and bask in the sun!


17.  We could travel by boat .It would be so relaxing!

18. I get seasick on boats!


19 I think it is hot there now. I can’t stand heat.

  20   No. You are wrong. It is 20-23*(degrees) in   December there.


21.  It is not high season there now.

I think, there can be special low prices.


22 I suggest that we go to Egypt. It is cheaper   in comparison with English school.



23. That’s enough!I‘d like to suggest that we all go to Egypt now.   After that you could go to language school “Aigir” near Beloretsk.


T. -All right. You’ve come to an agreement   where to go. 

VIII. Диалогическаяречь:Слайд № 18

It’s high time to book a flight. (Диалог: МиляиРегина)                        

-I’d like to book a flight to Egypt, please. 

-Which airline would you like to use?

-Which is the cheapest?

-When do you want to travel?

-December, 29

- Would you like a return ticket?

-Yes, we’re coming   back on the 12th of January.

- Let me see….The   cheapest direct flight is   770 Dollars.

- How long does it take?

-Total time is 5hours 55minutes.

-I’ll take it then.

-How many seats would you like?


-Well. The flight has just been booked.

-Thank you.

-You are welcome!

Children, before and while travelling around the world people can hear the next conversations:

-favourite means of travelling.

-booking a hotel

-getting through customs

-ordering the dinner, lunch at a restaurant

X. Слайды №19, 20.      

Now we’re at the airport.

 (Объявления по CD к учебнику для 9класса, М.З.Биболетова)    (096 - Test, Unit 2, Test 1, Part 1.mp3)

Now you are getting through customs.

 You need a Declaration Form and a Landing Card.

Let’s imagine that you have already filled them in.

На таможне:  (в это время  включаем негромко  объявления  о рейсах).


Customs Officer: Good afternoon. May I see your passport, please?

You: Yes, here it is, and here’s my visa.

Customs Officer: Thank you. You have a tourist visa for three months.

You: Yes, that’s right. I plan to travel in the U.S.

Customs Officer: What are you going to do?

You: I’m going to spend some time in Atlanta. After that, I’m going to Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Customs Officer: All right. Enjoy your stay!

You: Thank you very much!

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