Презентация к уроку английского языка для 5-6 классов «My Family»

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Урок английского языка «My Family»

Let me speak about my family (презентация по теме «My Family»для 5-6 классов)

MEMBERS of My Family

  • A Mother (Mummy)-мама
  • A Father(Daddy)-папа
  • A Sister-сестра
  • A Brother-брат
  • A Grandmother (Granny)-бабушка
  • A Grandfather-дедушка

Learn this short poem by heart

I love my Mother, I love my Father, I love my Sister And my little Brother Other relatives

  • A Cousin-двоюродные братья, сестры
  • A Niece-племянница
  • A Nephew-племянник
  • Mother-in –law-свекровь, теща
  • Father-in –Law-свекр, тесть
  • Step Daughter-приемная дочь

Compose your Family tree Let me introduce my Father…

He is tall and handsome. His hair is greyish and short

My father is very strict, but very resolute andbrave.

His name is Ivan Petrovich, he is 49.

he looks powerful. and impressive.

He is a tall with dark hair and grey eyes At present, he is A director of a large plant.


It goes without saying that he is very busy, always concentrated on his work and having very little time for private life.

There is a lot of likeness between me and dad both in appearance and in character.

My mother’s name is Nadezhda Sergeevna.

She is an engineer. She is a good professional. She is a medium size woman. She has got a thin oval attractive face and brown eyes.

I Love my Mother She wears her hair long. My mother is a woman of character, well-bred, tactful and fair.

She’s warm-hearted and at the same time practical, reserved

My father and I try to help her about the house.

MY Brother…

His name is Dan, My brother is a student of electronic departament.

He is 20 and he is very strong

My Granny…my granny is very kind.

She is a pensioneer,her hobby is gardening.

My grandparents live in a country. We often visit them during the year. My Grandfather…He is a pensioner too.

He is very strict,but I like him very much. His hobby is reading. We read book together. These are my cousins…Kate, Alice and Jane. They are students. We are good friends And at last …its me!

I am 12,I study at school My hobby is football, but I like go in for sport.

My favourite subjects at school are English and sport.

I also like to spend time with my granny and grandfather at their house at village.

My hobby is football Answer: Is your family large or small?

What is your mother’s name? How old is she? What is your father’s name ?How old is he? What is his hobby? What is his favorite sport? Have you brothers or sisters? What about your grandparents? Can you tell about your family? Do please!!!

The end.

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Просмотров: 155

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