Презентация на тему "Are you in your right mind?" (New Millennium English 8, Unit 5, Lesson 2)

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

Презентация поможет провести урок по УМК "New Millennium English 8" или по любому другому комплексу на тему-"Полушария мозга". В добавок публикую план-конспект урока.

Тема урока: Ты правильно мыслишь?

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной компетенции


- практические:

совершенствование фонетических и лексических навыков;

развитие навыков поискового чтения;

развитие навыков монологической речи на основе прочитанного;


развитие внимания;

развитие логики мышления;

развитие готовности к коммуникации;

развивать умение высказывать мнение по заданной теме;

- общеобразовательные:

расширение кругозора;

повышение общей культуры;

развитие умения работать в коллективе;

- воспитательные:

поддерживать интерес к учению и познавательной деятельности;

обсуждать проблемные вопросы;

воспитание толерантности к мнению других;

формирование морально-этических норм;

Тип урока: развитие речевых умений

Оборудование: учебник; компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, презентация PowerPoint.

Наглядный материал: презентация

Раздаточный материал: карточки с заданиями.

Структура урока:

1.Организационный момент. (3 мин.)

2.Фонетическая зарядка. (5 мин )

3.Речевая зарядка. (5 мин.)

4.Основной этап. (27 мин.)

a)Аудирование (5 мин)

b)Чтение (7 мин)

c)Работа с карточками (10 мин)

d)Исценировка (5 мин)

5.Заключительный этап. (5 мин.)

Ход урока:

I.Организационный момент.

T:- Good morning, children!

I’m glad to see you!

Sit down, please!

How are you?

P-s: (отвечают на вопросы)

  • Фонетическая зарядка.
  • Основной этап.
  • Заключительный этап.

T: - Today we begin with a tongue twister. Look at the blackboard.

Запись на доске: Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.

T: - Listen to my reading. Translate it. Read the tongue twister after me very slowly. Say what

sounds you hear more often.

T: - Read the tongue twister as quickly as you can. (учащиеся повторяют скороговорку)

III.Речевая разминка

T: - Tell me please, what did we talk about last time?

P-s: - creativity and innovations!

T: - What quiz did we do?

P-s: - How creative are you?

T: - And what result did we get?

P-s: - We should always improve our creativity.

T: - How? What way?

P-s: Create smth new, explore the unknown, use imagination…

T: - Thank you, very nice.

What do we use to be creative? (brain)

And what parts of brain do you already know? (frontal lobe, parietal lobe, areas)

Do you know what part of your brain is responsible for your creativity? And for your logic? Let’s learn it!

  • Аудирование
  • Чтение

p. 70 Ex. 1a - Psychological test.

T: - Look at the screen. Here is the table for you. We are going to do a psychological test. Listen to the speaker and do the tasks. Fill in the table – for you and for your partner.

There can be some new words for you:

Nostril – ноздря

Thumb – большой палец

Fold your hands – сложите руки

  • Listen
  • Do the task. Be very careful. (Unit 5. Lesson 2. Ex. 1a )

p. 70 Ex. 1b- Discussion

T: - If you have more Left answers – you are right-brain dominant, and if you have more right answers – you are left-brain dominant. Are you are whole – brain, left-brain or right-brain dominant? What about your partner?

P-s: (отвечают на вопросы)

p. 70 Ex. 2a, 2b- Reading, discussion.

T: - Open your student’s book, page 70 ex. 2a.

Here you can see the text about our brain.

Read the text and answer the questions:

  • What are the halves of the brain called?
  • What are their talents? What are they responsible for?
  • Can you use only one part?

T: - You have 5 min.

(5 min)

Finish please. Let’s share you results.


P-s: (отвечают на вопросы)

T: - Let’s check it. (ответы на слайде)

Let’s learn some more about our hemispheres.

с) Работа с карточками + d) Исценировка

Additional task

T: - As you see, we can’t use only one part of the brain. But let’s imagine what would happen if we used only left hemisphere or only right. Let’s divide into two groups. One of the groups will be the left hemisphere. The other – the right one. I’ll give you one task – for each group. You are to:

  • Make up the dialogue
  • Act it out as if you use only left part / right part.

You have 7 min for preparation and 8 min for performance. When you finish the dialogue – raise your hands. Start working.

(Dialogue 1 (for left):

(in the shop)

Daughter: Mummy! Look at this Barbie doll. It is so beautiful.

Mother: Yes, my dear, it really is. But let’s go we should be in a hurry. It is already half past 10.

Daughter: But I want this doll.

Mother: It is too expensive. It costs 50 dollars.

Daughter: In 50 dollars are there just 5000 cents. You give me 250 cents per day. 5000 cents divide by 250 – we get 20 days. I can live for 20 days without money.

Mother: Are you sure?

Daughter: Yes, I am.

Mother: All right. Let it be so.

Daughter: I’m so glad to get this doll.

Mother: So am I.

Dialogue 2 (for right):

(in the shop)

Daughter: Mummy! Look at this Barbie doll! It is so beautiful!

Mother: Yes, my dear, it really is! But let’s go, we should be in a hurry.

Daughter: But I want this doll so much, mummy! I will play it again and again..! If you buy this doll I’ll be the happiest child in the world!

Mother: But, my darling, it is too expensive. It costs 50 dollars.

Daughter: But what is money if it can make the child happy? Can you compare the paper and the happiness?

Mother: Of course not! We’ll buy it!

Daughter: Oh, my dear, I love you so much!

Mother: I love you too! )

(15 min later)

T: Let’s discuss the first dialogue. How can we characterize it?

(not emotional, many figures, speech is logical)

And what about the second?

(emotional, expressive, full of adjectives, philosophical)

As you see – the same situations seem absolutely unlike each other if we use different parts of our brain.

  • Подведение итогов урока.

T: - Tell me please what you have learnt today.

P-s: (отвечают на вопросы)

Thank you very much for your work.

2.Выставление оценок.

3.Домашнее задание.

T: - Write down your home task: W.b. p.32-33 ex.3,4

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (pptx)
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Количество скачиваний: 4
Просмотров: 104

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