Презентация по английскому языку на тему: “Meals”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

Данная презентация предназначена для проведения урока по английскому языку по теме: “Meals”

 Презентация иллюстрирована яркими, красочными картинками 


Презентацию можно использовать как иллюстрацию для фонетической или речевой зарядки, для закрепления лексики по теме

Theme: Meals

Aims: 1. To talk about different kinds of meals

To develop students’ communicative skills and abilities using various kinds of activities;

              2. To enrich the students’ vocabulary;           3. To motivate self – study and pair work;

              To arose the students’ interest to English. To enlarge the students’ outlook;

The type of the lesson: mixed.

Activities: reading, discussing, doing exercises, matching words, guessing words. 

Aids: Cards, tables, pictures.

Interaction: Kazakh, Russian. Kazakhstan railways, Geography

                             The course of the lesson

I.                   Org. moment.  The student on duty report. The main task of the lesson

II.                Warm up

III.             Ch. up h.t.                                                                                                                         

IV.             Presentation: 

1.      New words and phrases

Look at the screen and repeat after me. Слайд 1

(Fruit, apple, banana, lemon, orange.

Vegetables, carrot, cabbage, tomato, potato.

Sweets, honey, jam, cake, ice cream.

Drink, coffee, tea, milk, juice.

Food, bread, butter, egg, fish, ham, cheese, corn, porridge, soup, meat, sandwich.)

2.      Pair work with the text

Do you like porridge? (soup, eggs, ham, cheese, fish, meat, bread, butter, sweets, cakes, ice cream, jam, honey). Chain .

–          What do you like to eat?

–          Do you like fruit? (vegetables)

–          What fruit (vegetables) do you like?

–          What do you like to drink?       

3. Cross out the odd word. Слайд 6.

(1. cabbage, sweet, tomato, potato

2. milk, cheese, butter, fish

3. cake, tea, coffee, juice, milk

4. apple, ham, banana, orange)

4. Now I want to show you a very interesting picture. It’s a portrait of a man, but this man is made of different fruit and vegetables. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables.Say, please, what fruit or what vegetables can you see?

(Banana, pumpkin, pear, apple, cherry, tomato, pea, pepper, melon, water-mnelon, cucumber, grapes, plum, lemon)

Listen to the text then name as many names of foods as you can Text:

“I love vegetables, I eat meat too.

For breakfast I have a sandwich, two eggs with sausage and mushrooms. Then I drink coffee with milk and sugar.

For dinner I have some chicken with spaghetti and a piece of bread with butte rand cheese. I drink black tea.

For supper I have fish with rice and tomatoes. I drink black tea with lemon and sugar.

Sometimes I have some chocolate, a piece of cake or sweets with tea.”

  V.    Conclusion

        VI.    Marks


        VII.  Hometask

Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (pptx)
Размер: 1.7 Mb
Количество скачиваний: 9
Просмотров: 79

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