Презентация по английскому языку на тему: "Официальное письмо, его структура, стиль и правила написания" 11 класс

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

Lesson theme:

Writing Skills – Rules of Writing and Structure of English Formal Letters/ emails


Types of formal letters/emails:

A letter giving or requesting information

A letter of apology

A letter accepting invitation

A thank-you letter

A letter of complaint

A letter applying for a job

An email congratulating a colleague on a promotion etc.


Who are the formal letters/emails written to?

To people in official position, for example, a manager, a director or another official person who you do not know well or who you haven’t met before.

So, the style of official letters is formal (advanced vocabulary, factual, impersonal language, full verb forms, passive voice, formal linking words/phrases etc), usually using present tenses.


…about your taking part  - … with regard to your participation in

I really liked…  -  I was impressed by…

It’ll be great if you can…  -  I would appreciate it if you could…

Can you send me a bit more info about…  -  Could you please send me more details about…


Structure of English formal letters/emails:

1. a formal greeting  i.e. Dear Sirs, – Уважаемыегоспода! or

DearSir/Madam, -Уважаемый господин/госпожа!


 DearMr/MrsWilson,- Уважаемый господин/госпожа Уильсон!

2. a first paragraph – opening remarks, reason of writing

3. a main body (1-3 paragraphs) – the subject of letter

4. a final paragraph – summing up, telling what you want to be done

5. a formal ending i.e.

 Yoursfaithfully, -          С уважением Сара Стюарт

Sarah Stewart


Yours sincerely, -           Искренне вашаСараСтюарт

Sarah Stewart



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Просмотров: 103

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