Разработка урока по английскому языку “The Amazing Escape”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

"Описание материала:

Open lesson Form: 5 Teacher: G.S. Dzhakasheva Theme: “The Amazing Escape” Aim: to listen and comprehend the text. Objectives: to learn new words and use them in oral and written speech; to express own points of view and work in groups; to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech; to educate the feeling of love towards reading. Items needed: an interactive board, photos, posters, markers, cards. Type: compound Mothods: interactive Procedure of the lesson Organization moment. 1.Greeting. 2.Acquaiting with the aim of the lesson. II. Warm-up. Choose a card, complete it and ask your classmates. 3 group have to find out from the text all irregular verbs and write three forms Sink - sank Be –was/were-been Can-could Make-made Take-took-taken… Now change your works and check up. Cluster. Make up a cluster about the main hero of the story. Make up a cluster about this journey. Think up the continue Interview. -We have a guest, he is a main character of this story. - Interview a survivor from Elephant Island. 1 How many months were you there? 2 Where did you live? 3 How did you feel? 4 What did you eat? 5 What did you do? 6 What happened in the end? Conclusuon. Sinquain. Homework Marks for the lesson

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