Сценарий урока "Американские праздники"
Предмет: | Иностранные языки |
Категория материала: | Конспекты |
Автор: |
Петрова Ксения Александровна
Урок - викторина
по английскому языку в 9 «А», «Б», «В» классах.
Тема: «AmericanHolidays»
Учитель: Петрова К.А.
2013 г.
Тема: “AmericanHolidays”
Форма: викторина.
Цель: способствовать развитию интереса учащихся к английскому языку, к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Образовательная: закрепить и углубить пройденный материал по теме «Американские праздники».
Развивающая: способствовать развитию умения самостоятельно добывать знания.
Воспитательная: способствовать формированию толерантности к стране изучаемого языка и уважения к культуре своего народа.
Оборудование: сигнальные карточки, иллюстрации по теме «Праздники», карточки с заданиями, подготовленные учащимися поздравительные открытки с Рождеством и Новым годом, карточка с надписью “IndependenceDay”, призы для членов команды-победительницы, карточки со словами all, dreams, true, your, Christmas, may, come, магнитофон, кассета с записями американских песен.
Ход работы.
1.Организационное начало (1minutes)
T.: “Good morning. I’m glad to see you. Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. We’ll have a quiz “American Holidays” and check your knowledge on this topic.. Welcome to our game. Now we have two teams at our playground. We shall have 9 tasks in the game. Now let me introduce a jury to you: members of jury
2. Ходмероприятия
УЗ№1: Choose captains and introduce your teams (name, emblem and motto – 2 minutes). It was your home assignment. I have two cards. Captains, take one of them. The team, which has number 1, starts the game. 5 scores are given for this task. Team number 1, introduce yourself, please (представлениекоманды №1). Thank you very much. Team number 2, it’s your turn now (представлениекоманды №2). Thank you (2 minutes). Our jury will declare the results of the 1-st task a bit later. Let’s go on to the next task.
УЗ№2: Choose words which refer to American holidays( 2 minutes – 13 scores): happy, greeting card, calculate, love, feel, necktie, immigrants, birthday, green, Jesus Christ, back yard, shamrock, church, news, driveway, wish, funny, eve, fast-food restaurant, celebrate.
УЗ№3: Fill in the gaps ( 4 minutes – 8 scores):
1. Americans wear … color on St. Patrick’s Day (green).
2. The celebration of … begins on December, 31 (New Year’s Day).
3. … is the … day that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas).
4. The pilgrims sailed to America from Plymouth, England, in … (date) ( September, 1620).
5. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the … Thursday in November ( fourth).
6. … discovered America (Christopher Columbus).
7. … was the first president of the USA (George Washington).
8. … is a special day for Mom (Mother’s Day).
УЗ№4: Name the holiday using the description( 3 minutes – 3 scores) :
… is celebrated on a Sunday in April or May. The before … people color eggs. On … Sunday children wake up to find that the Bunny has left them a basket of candy. ( Easter).
УЗ№5: Translate the following words ( 4 minutes – 12 scores):
To stay up - to hug –
Christmas - greeting card –
Sweetheart - settler –
Midnight - to survive –
Ribbon - feast –
To wish - pumpkin –
УЗ№6: Think of your best American holiday and act out it. The other team has to guess this holiday (5 minutes – 5 scores).
УЗ№7: The best greeting card competition (students prepare their greeting cards beforehand – 5 minutes , 3 scores).
УЗ№8: Make up as many words as it possible. Use the letters of the words (5 minutes – 1 score for every word):
Independence Day
УЗ№9: Make up the congratulation using the following words (4 minutes – 5 scores):
All, dreams, true, your, Christmas, may, come (May all your Christmas dreams come true).
3. Подведениеитогов (5 minutes).
T: And now it’s time for jury to sum up. We’ll know your results in a minute. Team № ½ has the most scores and it is the winner. Our congratulations to you! (вручение призов, выставление оценок наиболее активным учащимся) Thankyouforyourgoodwork, bothteams. I see you know about American holidays a lot. Now it will be easy for you to travel.
Thank you, respected jury, for your work. Thank you, dear guests, for coming here.
Тип материала: | Документ Microsoft Word (doc) |
Размер: | 44 Kb |
Количество скачиваний: | 7 |