"Schools in Britain" 8th grade.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

Aims of the lesson:         a) educational: to give more information about the

                                            educational system of Great Britain:

                                       b) to enlarge pupils’ vocabularies;

                                          c) bringing-up: to inoculate and develop in them respect   

                                            for the school, teachers;

Type of the lesson:        

Methods of the lesson:     comparing, group-work, question-answer

Visuals:                             interactive board, computer, presentation, cards

Waited results:                 to be able to compare the educational systems of

                                           Great Britain and Kazakhstan.


                                          Plan of the lesson:


1.     Organization moment. Greeting. Absentees.

2.     Evocation.

3.     Revision of the last lesson. Realization of meaning.(Group-work)

4.     Checking the home-task.

5.     Presentation of the theme.

a)     Vocabulary-work

b)    Work with the text

6.     To fix the new material

a)     Question-answer (group-work)

b)    Vocabulary-work

c)     Speaking

d)    Comparing table

e)     Silent Numbers

7.     Reflection

8.     Home task


9.     Conclusion. Marking pupils’ knowledge.

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Размер: 60 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 12
Просмотров: 161

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