Сыныптан тыс іс-шара.Тақырыбы: "The clleverest boys and girls"

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Презентации

The cleverest boys and girls

Айгерим1: Good afternoon students, teachers and our guests, we are glad to see you at our competition of two team of students who are very clever and quick- witted and they know English very well and they want to prove it. They are “ The best students ” and “ Smile ”


Анар:Let’s begin our competition.

At first we want to introduce the members of the judges.

They are Кенжебекова Арай РамазановнаandАбденова Анель Амангельдиновна


Айгерим:Let’s start as the English proverb says: “Well begun is half done” , introduce yourselves and your motto.

ТоптыТаныстыру, девиз.


Thanks to our teams!


Let’s begin our competition.

The first task is “Telegram”.

You have to decipher a telegram. You are given a set of numbers sheet. Each number indicates the sequence of the rooms of letters in the English alphabet.

Анар: If you are given properly decipher - 5 points, then if you read it right, too, - 5 points, and if you correctly translate – 5 points.

6 9 18 20 21 21 8 9 14 11, 21 8 5 1 11.




13 25 8 15 21 19 5 9 19 13 25 31 19 2012 5.



We give you 4 minutes.


That’s enough, time is up.

Анар: - Serves “Smile ” team.


Айгерим: The following team “The best students ”

  • Thanks


  • Take your sits.


Анар: The name of our next task is “Secret letter”. In this task you must write many words beginning with the letter “c”. 1 word – 1 point. We give you 4 minutes.

Айгерим: - That’s enough, time is up.

Serves “The best students ” team.


Анар: The following team “Smile”


Take your sits.

Айгерим: 2. The third task of our competition is called “ Words”.

You must make up the words using the letters of the word “ schoolchildren”

1 word – 1 point. We give you 4 minutes.

Анар: - So boys and girls are you ready? So time starts now.

That’s enough, time is up.

Айгерим: Serves “Smile” team.


Анар:The following team “The best students ”


Take your sits.

Анар: The fourth task is “Sand glass”.

You must guess the words from these letters:

  • 1 TEAM





Айгерим: - 1 word – 1 point. We give you 4 minutes.

- So boys and girls are you ready? So time starts now.

- That’s enough, time is up.

Айгерим: Serves “The best students ” team.

  • Thanks


Анар:The following team “Smile”


Take your sits.

Айгерим: Surely each of you know a lot of animal names. Our next task is called “ Ten animals”. Your task is to find 10 animals in a crossword.

- 1 word – 1 point. We give you 4 minutes.

- Анар: Teams are you ready? So time starts now.

- That’s enough, time is up.

Айгерим:Serves “ Smile ” team.


Анар: The following team “The best students ”


Take your sits.

Анар: 9. Now we will check how well you know how to say tongue twisters. The sixth task for two teams is “Tongue twister” .

Now everyone try to repeat a tongue twister quickly and correctly.

Айгерим: So all together look at the blackboard. If you read it quickly and correctly you get 5 points. You have 1 minutes.

If a white chalk chalks on a black blackboard,

Will a black chalk chalks on a white blackboard?


Анар:The first to start a team of The best students “”

Айгерим: - The next speaker was the team of “Smile”.

- So boys and girls are you ready? So time starts now.

Анар: - That’s enough, time is up.


Take your sits.

Айгерим1: 6. Each team has a captain who must defend their team. The following task is “Captains’ Competition”. And now we invite the team captains.

Анар: Every captain must read his poem. For correct and expressive reading you get 5 points.

Айгерим1: As long as our judges summarizes we to play a game with our


Each of you must say any word. ON what letter ends word with the same letter

following pupil speak word. Who to stop that out of the game.

Анар: Now our competition came to the end, and we give the floor to the judges.

Айгерим: Congratulations to the teams who took part in our competition.

АйгеримАнар:Thank all of you for your attention.











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Сыныптан тыс іс – шараның тақырыбы:

«The cleverest boys and girls»













Тип материала: Презентация Power Point (pptx)
Размер: 404.27 Kb
Количество скачиваний: 56
Просмотров: 188

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