Тест 6 класс для казахских классов

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты
1. Find the words in the chart Тойлау Киім Айла Күркетауық Бәліш Отырғызу Кесу Дауыс беру Шақыру Көңілсіз Дәстүр Ұлт Ұлттық Алау Отшашу Жағу Биялай Бала,жігіт Қуырылған Сәндеу   Exercise 2 You are going to give a party. Write a dialog  between you and your friend   Exercise 3. Write in English 11:45 02:05 06:00 10:30 09:35 04:25   Exercise 4 Read and try to understand the story. 66 days at sea. Bill and Simone Butler from Miami spent 66 days in a life-raft in the seas of Central America. Twenty one days after they left Panama in their yacht, they met some whales. The whales started to hit the side of the boat. Two minutes later, the yacht was sinking. They jumped the lift-raft. For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuit and water. They also had a fishing-line. They caught eight to ten a day and ate them raw. About twenty ships passed them, but one saw them. Then suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them, picked them up and took them to Costa Rica.   Exercise 5 True or False 1 A couple from Miami spent sixty days in a life-raft. 2 They met some whales which hit the side of the boat. 3 They had two life-rafts, so they jumped into the bigger one. 4 They caught fish every day and cooked it in different ways. 5  One or two ships passed them, but no one stopped. 6 A fishing boat took them to Costa Rica.
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