Тест Present Simple Past Simple

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Present Simple / Past Simple


1. Harry never… to work by bus.             8. Ann … at home last Sunday, she went to party.                                               a) didn’t stayed

a) go                                                          b) didn’t stays

b) do goes                                                  c) didn’t stay

c) does                                                       d) did stay not

d) goes


2. She … chocolate.                                  9. How’s Mary? … her on Monday?       

a) likes not                                                a) was you see

b) not like                                                  b) did you see

c) don’t like                                                        c) do you see

d) doesn’t like                                           d) are you see


3. We always … to bed early.          10. My friend and I … to read English books.

a) goes                                                       a) like                  

b) doesn’t go                                             b) likes

c) go                                                          c) doesn’t like

d) does                                                      d) didn’t liked


4. Mary … a lot last year.

a) traveled

b) travels

c) traveling

d) did travel


5. Mum … any gifts yesterday.

a) brought not

b) didn’t bring

c) doesn’t bring

d) didn’t brought


6. Where … this kitten?

a) did you find

b) you did find

c) found you

d) did you found


7.What flat … in?

a) did she lived

b) does she live

c) did she lives

d) does she lived

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