Tests for the 11th Grade.

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Mixed tests

Mixed tests.


John was a very lazy pupil. During the school years he didn't learn his lessons and always played truant. When the examination time came he was also to take his exams. But, alas, he didn't pass them and he cried bitterly. A) Living dog is better than a dead man. B) The rotten apple injures its neighbors. C) The appetite comes with eating. D) A good beginning makes a good ending. E) You have made your bed and you must lie on it.

2. Promise little _____. A) who laughs last B) but do much C) that ends well D) while the sun shines E) never found again

3. Joe had a very big supper. When he asked for a piece of bread and butter at bedtime, his mother said, " I've never seen anyone eat so much. You are always as hungry as _____." A) a lark B) a wolf C) a bee D) a horse E) a mouse 14. The last drop makes _____. A) both ends meet B) the cat out of the bag C) a horse laugh D) the cup run over E) a cat laugh

5. _____ makes the world go round. A) love B) hatred C) gravity D) money E) poor mouse. 16. _____ repeats itself. A) children B) language C) everybody D) stories E) history 17. One of our classmates fell ill, and was taken to hospital. In three months he was out and about, but lagged behind the pupils with his studying. He asked many pupils to help him, nobody came to his rescue, but me. After that we became friends. A) Facts are stubborn things B) Experience is the mother of wisdom C) Live and learn D) Everything is good in its season E) A friend in need is a friend indeed 18. A man's best friend is his _____. A) shirt B) bag C) dog D) house E) money 19. Lost time is _____. A) known by its tree. B) never found again. C) not so black as he painted. D) never too late to learn. E) makes the cup run.

20. "Out of sight-out of _____. A) light B) fight C) guide D) might E) mind

21. Everything is _____. A) shooting without aim B) better than saying C) good in its season D) better to do well than to say well E) worth two tomorrow



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