Тесты на выявление уровня владения английским языком

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

With the answers



Lui is ten. … a French boy.

a. It is

b. She is

c. He is

d. I am


This is a notebook. Those … notebooks.

a. is

b. am

c. are

d. be


We are French. … English?

a. You are

b. Are you

c. Am I

d. You’re


I speak Italian. She … Japanese.

a. does speak

b. is speaking

c. speaks

d. speak


“What …?” “I’m a student.”

a. do you

b. do you do

c. you

d. you do


Sorry, I … understand.

a. am not

b. not

c. no

d. don’t


… I have a table for two please?

a. would

b. must

c. could

d. do


Where … now?

a. he is studying

b. is he studying

c. studies he

d. he studying


That isn’t your umbrella. It’s ….

a. her

b. my

c. him

d. mine


Look at that cloud. It … rain.

a. is

b. does

c. is going to

d. has


No, I don’t want … carrots.

a. some

b. a

c. no

d. any


“Where … at the weekend?” “I was in the country.”

a. you were

b. were you

c. you

d. you was


“Why not go to Madame Tussauds?” “I … there yesterday”

a. went

b. go

c. gone

d. going


“Where … you yesterday?” “I didn’t go anywhere.”

a. went you

b. did you went

c. did you go

d. was you go


You … work hard to pass the examination.

a. have to

b. can

c. are

d. may


His English is very good. He speaks Italian …, too.

a. badly

b. bad

c. good

d. well


I … to Spain.

a. never been

b. never was

c. have never been

d. wasn’t ever


Janette … the tickets.

a. has already bought

b. already bought

c. is already bought

d. already buys


Don’t go out. It … rainy and windy.

a. should

b. might

c. would

d. is


Fred … with a girl when I saw him.

a. speak

b. speaking

c. speaks

d. was speaking


My cousin …a camera for my birthday.

a. gave me

b. gave to me

c. give me

d. me gave


The woman … came yesterday is very good-looking.

a. she

b. who

c. which

d. than


Tim is good at football but Jeff is … .

a. gooder

b. well

c. good

d. better


Maggy … since she left school.

a. was working

b. works

c. has been working

d. will work


“Please be patient.” He told me … .

a. to be patient

b. be patient

c. that be patient

d. that I be patient


“I’m a shop assistant.” She told me that … a shop assistant.

a. I was

b. I am

c. she was

d. she is


Ann will come to tea if you … her.

a. asks

b. ask

c. asked

d. will ask


I am not as fast as you. You are … than me.

a. as fast

b. faster

c. more fast

d. fast


“…Gone with the Wind?” “Yes, I saw it on Sunday.”

a. Did you see

b. Have you seen

c. Will you see

d. Do you see


When I was a child I … a lot of chocolate.

a. use eat

b. eat

c. used to eat

d. am used to eat


That school … last year.

a. was built

b. has built

c. built

d. is built


Mary enjoys … in Edinburgh.

a. living

b. to live

c. having living

d. when lived


I think you’d better … to the doctor.

a. to go

b. go

c. going

d. went


Dinner will be ready when you … home.

a. gets

b. get

c. will get

d. shall get


If I were you, …this dress.

a. I’d buy

b. I buy

c. I’ll buy

d. I had bought


“Have you washed the dishes?” Mum asked me … .

a.have I washed

the dishes

b. if I have washed the dishes

c. if I had washed

the dishes

d. If I washed the dishes


They … so much they could hardly move.

a. eating

b. had eaten

c. have eaten

d. were eating


I like my little cousin. She makes me …

a. laughing

b. laughter

c. to laugh

d. laugh


Would you mind … me a pencil, please?

a. give

b. giving

c. to give

d. having given


What about … to the movies tonight?

a. go

b. to go

c. going

d. we go


I … here for 7 days in June.

a. will be

b. will

c. ‘ll have been

d. will have


I wish I … a lot of money.

a. had

b. have

c. will have

d. would have


His car is rather dirty. He …. it before he took us for a ride.

a. had washed

b. has washed

c. should have washed

d. would wash


If you … gone to the party you would have seen her.

a. had

b. would have

c. have

d. should have


“Where isTrafalgar Square?” She asked me where … .

a. Trafalgar Square was

b. is Trafalgar Square

c. Trafalgar Square

d. was Trafalgar Square


The streets are wet. It … raining.

a. must have

b. must have been

c. had to

d.must to be


He doesn’t have time to tile his bathroom himself, so he ….

a. is being tiled the bathroom

b. is having the bathroom tiled

c. is going to tile the bathroom

d. is having tiled the bathroom


I’d rather you … later. I’m all tied up.

a. would call back

b. will call back

c. called back

d. had called back


If you … there again, what would you do?

a. will go

b. went

c. going

d.will have gone


“Can I phone you at 7.00?” “No, it’s too early. I … .”

a.would sleep then

b.will have slept then

c. will sleep then

d. will be sleeping then

Ответы: 1с 2с 3b 4c 5b 6d 7c 8b 9d 10c 11d 12b 13a 14c 15a 16d 17c 18a 19d 20d 21a 22c 23d 24c 25a 26c 27b 28b 29a 30c 31a 32a 33b 34b 35a 36c 37b 38d 39b 40c 41a 42a 43c 44a 45a 46b 47b 48c 49b 50d

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