Тесты по английскому языку на тему Mass Media

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

Тесты на тему Mass Media можно использовать как для контроля знаний ,так и при изучении данной темы.

  • 1)А commercial interruption, where a a thing, a product or a service are advertised . It helps people to choose best things.
  • А )television b)radio c)internet d)newspapers e)advertisement

2)A worldwide system of interconnected networks and computers

А )television b)radio c)internet d)newspapers e)advertisement

3) What can you do in internet?

  • a)Talking to friends b) Online shopping c) Research d) watching Videos e) Downloading to music

4)The mediahelp people…

a) inform b) educate c)entertain d To) relax e) To travelaround the world without wasting money

5) It is a paper printed andsold daily or weeklywith news , advertisements , articles about political, crime, business , art, entertainment , sport events.

А )television b)radio c)internet d)newspapers e)advertisement

6) A kind of newspaper which contain political, industrial, financial and cultural news

a) tabloid b)broadsheet c)daily d)weekly e)monthly

7) A kind published on every day of the week except Sunday

a) tabloid b)broadsheet c)daily d)weekly e)monthly

8)A programme , where the announcer says what theweather will be like the next day.

a) talk show b)weather forecastc)news d)comedy e)reality show

9) Mass Media is…

А )television b)radio c)internet d)newspapers e)advertisement

10) Who invented a radio ?

a) Alexander Popov b) Alexander Graham Bell c)Yuri Gagarin d)Genry Ford e)Karl Benz

11) Who invented a Telephone ?

a) Alexander Popov b) Alexander Graham Bell c)Yuri Gagarin d)Genry Ford e)Karl Benz

12) The process of sending and receiving messages through the air , broadcasting programmesfor people to listen to

  • А )television b)radio c)internet d)newspapers e)advertisement

13)Major British TV Channel is


14)A programme which gives facts and information about a particular subject

a) talk show b)weather forecastc)news d)comedy e)reality show

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