Тесты по аудир.,письму, чтению, говорению за ІІ семестр 5 класса

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

1. LISTEN TO THE DIALOGUE AND WRITE DOWN THE LETTER OF THE RIGHT ITEM IN THE SQUARE<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


Emily and her Grandmother are looking at the family photographs. They are talking about past times.

Granny: Look at this photo. When I was five I had long hair. I was very shy and quiet.

Emily: Were you afraid of the dark?

Granny: Yes, I was. Most children are afraid of the dark. I was also afraid of ghosts. And thunder, and lightning.

Emily: I’m afraid of spiders and sharks. Adam says that’s not normal.

Granny: Fiddlesticks… People are different, so what? May be he is afraid of skeletons or dentists…That’s normal…

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