Тесты по страноведению по англ языку

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Тесты

  When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow in London it is …
a) 6 o’clock  b) 7 o’clock  c) 8 o’clock  d) 9 o’clock

2. In  England “public school” means
a) state-financed school b) private school

  c) comprehensive school d) religious school

3.  The oldest university in Britain is …

a) London b) Cambridge c) Oxford d) Edinburgh

4. The telephone number to call for emergency services

  in Britain is …
     a) 03   b) 09  c) 911  d) 999

5. St. Patrick is the patron of
    a) Wales  b) England  c) Scotland  d) Ireland

6. Robert Burns is a … poet
    a) American   b) English   c) Scottish   d) Welsh

7. Under what king did the Knights of the round table gather

    a) Henry IV   b) Edward II   c) Arthur

    d) William the Conqueror

8. Englishmen cat dinner at …
     a) 11 a.m.   b) 2 p.m.    c) 6 p.m.   d) 9 p.m.

9. A  lunch is …
    a) breakfast    b) late breakfast    c) dinner    d) a tea party

10.  England consists of …
       a) districts    b) counties    c) states    d) regions

11. The safest topic for conversation in England is …
       a) politics   b) music    c) weather     d) love

12. The flag of the UK, known as the Union Tack,

      is made of … crosses.
      a) two   b) three    c) four   d) five


13. The patron  saint of England is …
   a) St. George   b) St. Patrick   c) St. Andrew   d) St. Valentine

14. Aberdeen is in …
      a) England   b) Scotland    c) Ireland    d) Wales

15. Secondary education  in Britain  is …
      a) compulsive  b) compulsory  c) optional   d) voluntary

16. The size of the house in Britain  is determined by

      the number of …
       a) sitting rooms  b) kitchens   c) bedrooms   d) floors

17. Margaret  Thatcher was …

     a) Queen of Britain  b) British Prime Minister

     c) leader of the  Labour  Party     d) a film star

18. The London Royal Opera House is called
       a) Covent Garden  b) the National Theatre

       c) Old Vic Theatre  d) the Barbican

19. What was M. Thatcher by profession?
      a) an engineer   b) a doctor   c) a chemist  d) a teacher

20. The Whispering Gallery is situated in …
      a) Westminster Abbey  b) St. Paul’s Cathedral

      c) Tower  d) Hyde Park

21. What is the Barbican
      a)  a river  b) an art centre  c) a pop group  d) a cinema

22. What is standing  in the middle of Piccadilly?
      a) the statue of Eros     b) the statue of Pan

      c) the statue of Cromwell d) the Marble Arch

23. What was J. Constable?
      a) a musician  b) a politician c) a poet d) a painter

24. What  is the symbol of the speaker’s authority?
      a) the mace  b) the woolsack    c) the ribbon  d) the bell.  1

25. What’s tartan?
      a) a disk  b) a pattern of the kilt  c) a bird  d) a dance

26. What London street is famous for shops?
      a)  Oxford street   b)  Fleet street

      c)  Lombard street   d) Charring Cross Road

27. What  is the emblem of Wales?
       a) Rose   b) Leek   c) Thistle    d) Shamrock

28. What is Eisteddfod?
      a) a county  b) a dish   c) a festival    d) a dance

29. What is English marmalade?
      a) apple jam  b) orange jam  c) sweets  d) a cake

30. The Romans first  invaded Britain  in …

    a) the 5th century AD  b) the 5th century BC

    c) the 1st century BC d) the 1st century AD

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Просмотров: 170

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