The leader of the XXI century

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Конспекты

The type: competition.

The aims:

1. to develop the children`s pronunciation in English;

2. to develop their thinking, speaking.

3. to check their knowledge.

The aids: an interactive board, papers, pens, the numbers.


- Dear teachers and spectators! Welcome to our competition that calls ‘The leader of the XXI century’! Let me  introduce to you our players.

1.     KaribaevaMadina

2.     Balhash Marat

3.     OroshanGul’nur

4.     SanakbaiAiman

5.     BairahanAyazhan

6.     MaralovaAnel’

7.     NugmetManshuk

Our competition consists of 4 stages.

The 1-st stage is: ‘Baiga’

The 2-d stage is: ‘Polyglot’

The 3-d stage is: ‘The Great seven’

The 4-th stage is: ‘Live questions’

And we have dear jury that will marks our players. Let me introduce them to you.

BagdatSalamatovich – the teacher of Maths:

Gul’narSmagulovna – the teacher of Russian;

GauharTleulesovna – the teacher of Maths.


Players! Are you ready for this competition? Then let`s begin!

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Просмотров: 99

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