“The leader of the XXI st Centry! ” Theme: Kazahstan is my country."

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

Aims: the develop communicative skills and abillities, to develop the pupils. Insert in the subject of English, to educate the feeling of love and responsibility to our country.

Connection of the subject: English, kazakh, geography, history and music.

Steps of the competiton.


2. 1-st round is Baiga.

3.2-nd round is Poliglot.

4.3-rd round is Doda.


5.4-th round is Kokpar

Procedure of the competition.

 "The leader of the XXI st Centry! ” The theme of our competition is “Kazakhstan is my Country.” That’s why shall speak about our country,our Motherland.


Today we gathered here to choose the best pupil of the school. Our intellectual game consists of 5 stages.

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