The theme: “Customs and traditions in Kazakhstan.”

Предмет: Иностранные языки
Категория материала: Рабочие программы

The theme: “Customs and traditions in Kazakhstan.”

The aims of the lesson: 1. Give more information about Kazakhstan,

                                            speak about its customs and traditions.

                                      2. To develop pupils skills and habits in

                                           reading, in monologue and dialogue

                                          speech through asking, answering questions.

                                      3. To bring them up the feeling of love and          

                                             responsibility to their motherland.

The type of the lesson: mixed

The methods of teaching: question-answer, practical work, individual work.

Visual  aids: cards, pictures, a computer, a  blackboard.

Subgects: History, Kazakh literature.

Epigraph:  “Our banner is independence, our aim is peace and prosperity. In the world we have one Motherland. It is Kazakhstan”  Nursultan  Nazarbayev

Procedure of the lesson.

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